
Go ahead- elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House

 Republicans used to be regarded as being the competent party. Presently they seem to have a case of the ass- a sickness heretofore commonly afflicting Democrats. They should elect Jim Jordan Speaker- he isn’t Denny Hastert and is a good enough, credible representative able to lead that party through the challenging times. 

The fifty-five recalcitrant Republican Representatives that say thay won’t vote for Jordan and prefer keeping the party in dysfunction, chaos and temporal pathos ought to realize that the Speaker need not be perfect; he or she need be functional, pragmatic yet with a vague sense of Utopianism out there in the mist apparent even in the fog of war. 

The nation needs to elect good politicians now and then and Jordan probably is one. Look what happened when Romans had a series of bad political leaders- they lost ground and eventually fell. Jim Jordan may be the best Speaker since Tip O'Neil and the fifty-five would be waiting for Godot to arrive. Jordan may be a good Christian fellow who didn’t drink Democrat Kool-aid regarding Russian collusion that they may find unforgivable- who knows?

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