
Israel May Hold Gaza Strip in Trust for Palestinian Authority

Israel apparently intolerant of Hamas rocket attacks and invasions to slaughter civilians may keep the Gaza Strip in its possession until the Hamas remnants are eliminated. Has (means violence) is a criminal gang that has intimidated Palestinians for some time that also had the reins f government in the southern portion of the Palestinian territory.

Israel plainly cannot have the permanent establishment of an extremely violent criminal gang in the Gaza that attacks whenever it can store up enough weapons and plans to enable it to push into Israel. Perhaps the Palestinian authority will need to re-control the Gaza eventually when Israel is satisfied the terrorist Hamas gang cannot retake control.

Hamas may have selected this time t attack because of the Biden investment in war in Ukraine that seems lain to many to be a naked capitalist aggression upon rightfully Russian land. That gross investment of perhaps a quarter of a trillion dollars for weapons has divided the world to a certain degree in to two camps of economics; those that favor the first world, Euro-American axis of economic domination and the rest of the world. 

The false narrative that Israel is a colonialist power and shill for capitalism perhaps drew Hamas to select this time to attack Israel in the belief that it would get more support from anti-Western powers. They made a mistake if that was their belief, although one California city and some Harvard students have expressed support for the terror organization.

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