
Exclusive Washington Lintel Article with Kim IL Gun

The Washington Lintel’s Best-loved reporter interviewed a former spook that traveled extensively in the entourage of dictator heir-apparent Kim IL Gun. He reports that there is much to fear in the Dictator’s skill at chess, since he has been playing against a computer since a very early age.

Best loved reporter; Paramount Dictator Gun, will your Dictatorship bring change to Korea?

Dictator Gun; of course. I shall introduce a contract with Korea that will liberate free speech of all Koreans and stimulate job growth. I shall move my pawns in staggered defense arrays, and aggressively send my knights to probe the running dog homeland.

Best Loved Reporter; Dictator Gun, will free speech be broad enough to allow criticism of your government or would that be hate speech?

Dictator Gun; of course the crazy may be critical or picky and swiftly executed.

Best Loved Reporter; that sounds like a fair and balanced policy. What other changes will you bring to allay Washington fears of atomic vaporization?

Dictator Gun; I will create a few new long range missiles-the Wang Dang Do and the Faggo-Dong that will bring gifts to the table for harmonious draw down.

Best Loved Reporter; Yes that is a good policy.

Dictator Gun; I will as well move our military to have the Gay Parade in order to bring tranquility to those seeking to overthrow my regime and replace it with a non-progressive junta.

Best Loved Reporter; the fine print of contracts can replace constitutional democracy quite efficiently, will you export your trojan horse corporate form of communism globally?

Dictator Gun; those were sufficient answers for your news feed.


God and the Human Circumstance

The question of why does anything exist is perhaps the most profound question. Not the quantum mechanics of an evident universe-but anything at all. Logically nothing should arise from nothing. Of course a void with energy implicitly within it is conjectured in most pre big-bang or before the Universe cosmologies in order to provide an original energy-mass endowment sufficient for a Universe to be and become.

It is difficult to comprehend why God would exist for all of eternity as an uncreated being existing without a beginning. In setting humanity the task of investigating its own exitence and origin, I wonder if The One learns anything about itself from the cosmological investigations of the Socrates, Platos, Newtons, EInsteins, Kants, Quines, Aquinus'and so forth. God is of surpasing excellence however and such questions as occur to humaniity may not be substantive for The One.

The notion that time must exist in a linear way is regarded as just a local experience in light of relativity theory, and it is easier to consider a before or beyond the Univere criterion in which God is not subject to a passage of time yet simply is. It is possible to formulate the paradigm roughly yet not possible to comprehend it at all.

Obviously God is not jut some sort of super human being. Humanity may have a bit of reason-only a bit, and in that regard might reflect the nature of God a little, yet otherwise and especially regarding conduct humanity is fallen and an imperfect form-to use a concept suitable within Plotinus' neoplatonic Enneads.

Why God created anything is a divine mystery. As an omnipotent Being omnipresent and omniscient He knows all things before they are created. Created things as well as space-time are apparent phenomena to those sentient beings viewing from within a given space-time paradigm of the One. That He sent His only begotten Son to bridge the divide that exist between fallen human nature and His perfect being is remarkable. As lost humanity views thing from its own planet and Galaxy within an apparent space-time flowing universe it tends to be entirely ego-centric and even downright wicked extirminating both sects of its own general race, myriad forms of life and even if it will, the planetary ecophere.

Albert Camus in 'The Stranger' (not as good as his book 'The Plague') had his protagoniist vomit on the beach in considering the fact that anything exit at all--the exitential vertigo of a philosophical soul. Human beings exist within the field of biological and cosmic existence that God has willed to be for a time. Perhaps it is a way to experience elements of his own creation from a different perspective. For an omnipotent being all things may be possible that are good. It seems churlish as a finite being to set comprehensively what parameters The One may have. If there is a pervasive monism then The One may know every element of the field of spirit, energy or whatever it is. To create the pluralism within the unified field is perhaps jut one marvelous work of the will of The One.

The Conservatism of William F. Buckley Jr. Had Oars in the Water

When William F. Buckley Jr. began his conservative movement in college during an era of college liberalism the evil empire-an authoritarian Soviet Union was in it full nuclear power and the Gulag, apparatchiks and industrialized economy ruled by the Supreme Soviet had Eastern Europe under it fist. Western civilization as a free society was defended only by the will to assert the idea of human liberty. Military, political and counter-intelligence activities were requisite at a high level of preparedness to balance potential Soviet invasion. A world proxy war to expand communism to the second and third world became Soviet policy following the death of Stalin. During the Vietnam conflict the American left became associated with some conservatives with support for the Soviet side and communist worldview. That many of the student protectors were jut self-interest draft dodgers or with a will to live and have the rich go fight wars for-themselves wasn’t considered a conservative recognition.

With the end of the Soviet Union in 1990 American conservatism no longer had the traditional enemy. Instead during the Clinton years it became itself an enemy of the poor and middle class America as it used its unchallenged power to consolidate wealth, betray the trust of the majority of conservative Americans and establish network of corporatism globally that changed the nation into a subjugated landing trip of new world order for aristocrats. Bad debt was distributed to the world, as American Wall Street quants became a non-producing skimming class.

William F. Buckley Jr. was an American patriot defending freedom against a powerful enemy. He was not a strong, emergent bully that would whuup the butts of his own people once the enemy was defeated through teamwork. William F. Buckley Jr. died before the first evil fruits of the pseudo-con corporate conservatism were enfiladed as aspect of an emerging predatory Wall Street, banking, mortgage, and corporate media aristocracy.

Real conservatives are not wise guy haves of dialectical media raving cons. Instead they conserve the planetary ecosphere, conserve natural resources, conserve morals, conserve family, conserve the wealth of the poor and middle class in helping them to secure their own prosperity-they do not reduce the majority to peonage, flood the nation with illegal aliens or develop a corporate lexicon of words regarded as hate speech and proscribe their use from the Internet by citizen writer.

Conservatism cannot be a technical right of repression of all but corporate interests and consolidation of non-democratic power. It cannot be an excuse to run roughshod over the actual economic interests of the majority. William F. Buckley Jr.’ conservatism was about the conservation of freedom and free enterprise democracy for all Americans-not just for an aristocracy. That I somewhat ironic since his demeanor was that of an intellectual aristocrat-one of a type I would think that would have warred to end the British aristocracy in America had lived in 1776, rather than take the side of conserving it.


Predator Drone's View of Last U.S. Convoy Leaving Iraq

It's a good view of the conclusion of a very expensive, paradoxical military action's final phase. With a congressional inability to create a balanced budget in the United States-and they are not even close, for with 14 trillion of public debt cutting social spending by even 50% would not balance the budget. Military spending needs a 25% cut, social security's top 30% should be cut, and the Bush-Obama tax cuts should expire. When the public pays nearly a trillion a year in interest on debt as it will in a few years with it being about 800 billion annually now it is getting little for its tax money if social spending is cut.

The Federal Government needs to run a tax surplus and pay off the debt. As the debt reduces its easier to finish paying it off. When it is eliminated its like getting the social spending sector paid for free comparatively (to the way it is now).


In Iraq, except for the terrorism after the invasion, the Bush administration might have created a perfect economy using supply side theory in two or three millenia.


E=mc2; the most famous formula

Mass (M) entirely converted into energy equals light moving away from itself at it's own speed. Hence E=mc2

http://www.worsleyschool.net/science/files/emc2/emc2.html a technical explanation

Its kinda fun to think about. If superliminal speeds are attained by things they should have a different formula for energy. Faster-than-light speeds may have occurred during the early universe during an inflation. Maybe it produced weird energy forms and even unknown forms of mass, time and space that are 'out there' still.

Energy seems to be the process of association or dissociation of mass. Mass is comprised of energy ossified in solid state physics.

That mysterious (to me) nature of energy as the foundation of mass (mass in a non-energetic state) when it has settled down, ossified, established networks and basks in the gravitational glory of increasing mass sweeping up solar system debris and bits of dust strewn about for whatever reason is a fly-by-wire original nothing becomes something happening. Because its moving and energetic phenomena it can be slowed into mass. If energy is the foundation of mass, then what is the foundation of energy?

One physicist in Singapore posted a guest blog article at Scientific American recently something to the effect that exclusivist quantum probability selections entangle quanta from the all-possible locations relations that they seem to form solid state structures of mass for observers. Those clumps of mass would be the Universe's apparent elements for us humans.


The nature of the quantum world is in some ways the most interesting and philosophically mysterious field of research out their today. Its good that so many physicists enjoy writing popular science books for general readers.

Darwinism & The Sun Dance as Evolution Phenomenalism

The Sun Dance is an ancient first people's religious ceremony of North America that seems to have parallel features with Darwinian evolution theory. The sun as the motivating source of biological being was implicitly recognized. The motivating power of life is energy in either case. Life on Earth in the ecosphere lasts not long without it.

Federal law violating the separation of church and state, in 1871, banned the Kiowa celebration of the Mystery of existence in the annual Sun Dance. The Kiowa traditionally placed a Buffalo head on a spear in the high church form of liturgy-not only because they relied upon buffalo as the basic business commodity after migrating from Montana to the plains, but because it was simultaneously the most excellent remaining specimen of life (besides mankind) grown by the sun on Earth.

Darwinian evolution theory is also a solid-state ecosphere rationalism though without the implicit religious devotion to the fundamental mystery of being. The Sun Dance was a concatenated celebration of life and its essential mystery without going into technical scientific details-it was a rational religious response to the challenge of the mystery of existence.

Contemporary Darwinians have gone to far in separating the scientific phenomenalism from the fundamental mystery that anything exists. With knowledge of the mechanics of the processes of the ecosphere grounded within a given phenomena of solid state physics, the evolutionary process as a process of change appearing in the quantum field of the Universe has transcended and eclipsed to the best of its votaries ability the philosophical and religious interest in the entire phhenomenality of being in all its phases from Universes to unknowable realms of time and space and even beyond into the non-temporal speculations of quantum cosmology and the powers of God.

All of the processes or states of being that appear to human beings as life occur at the will of God who phenomenally sent His Son to provide a way to surpass temporal process in a infinite, relativistic field of mysterious quantum processes and history. The sun and its energy is a motivating power to create biochemical structures from the Earth that become life in the event-process of a Universe. The transcending possibilities of the quantum mechanics of the things beyond the solid state phase of the Universe are for human beings today as distant from comprehension as was the meaning of the Sun Dance and Darwinian evolution theory passing the torch in a manner of speaking, of knowledge in the same mid-19th century.

The Sun Dance of the Kiowa and other first American peoples had a regard for the Mystery of Existence that is lacking from the mechanistic atheism of Darwinists today. The celebration of life as meaningless superstition is a core belief of amoral moderns in politics and science. Evolution processes are simply a characteristic of a 13.7 billion year process that has deeper quantum reality in no way exclusive philosophically from being an issuance and expression of the will of God.



Newt Gingrich' PhD Thesis on Education in Belgian Congo 1945-1960-Lessons for U.S. Screwls? (use of radio vernacular)

A fact checker of the Washington Post considered former Speaker Newt Gingrich's career of eight years as an historian & professor besides his college education. Most of his life Mr. Gingrich has been a pro politician rather than an historian. He hasn't published a peer reviewed, scholarly article or history book, yet I can give him the benefit of the doubt. Most of his non-political reading might have been in history, so he has depth in history at least. He has 17 books on popular political topics. I have eight or nine Waveform Politics books of contemporary history essays (etc.)at lulu.com/garycgibson. I won't actually get another seven of those compilations of essays done. I will change the title of the series before that.


Mr. Gingrich has got at least six fiction novels that might be co-authored on historical themes. I can't evaluate those having not read them. I don't like to review fiction books much anyway because they can stray from reality and the kind of refined soup straining an author must do with the words can be counter-productive to intelligent political and sociological reasoning. Its too easy to be critical of fiction books as if they weren't primarily for entertainment.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a great fiction novel called August 1914 that really does seem to be a realistic portrayal in fiction of a representative action of the German invasion of Russia. The Nobel laureate was a World War II artillery officer before being arrested by Stalinists and incarcerated for having been briefly a p.o.w.-that made them politically unreliable soldiers Stalinist believed. Newt has never been in the military so that's no worry.

My own fiction novels abstract social and political reality and neatly transform it into bits that could be thought of as something that extra-terrestrials might one day regard as fast food in some distant galaxy. I would like to rewrite them as a kind of exotic soup that would make a the Omaha papers Best Seller's List, yet the time to read philosophically meaningful material prohibits that along with frequent electrical interrupts.

Mr. Gingrich did not continue into his professional political life as a central African colonialist specialist. Perhaps some of his reading could be transferred and applied in places like Alaska, Mississippi and Massachusetts to get those native kids to be young pioneers of New World Order colonialist corporate policy. It would have been more helpful to the nation perhaps if he had done his thesis on why the KKK chose to use dunce caps as their personal organizational head gear.

The support the former speaker has received in the conservative for the rich concentration of wealth branch of the party isn't entirely remarkable. To some of the uneducated his oratorical style may appear to be what a smart guy is supposed to sound like-bright yet not to tough. Just toss Newt into the back of the pickup with the hay and shells and take him to the polls so people can get a look at him, listen to the smarts come out so they can vote right.

I believe that Mr. Gingrich's economic policies will not be very helpful to the poor if he is elected.

An historian named Daniel Rogers wrote an excellent book named 'The Age of Fracture' that I read this year. The rise of former Speaker Gingrich seems logical enough in an era described by Mr. Rogers. I will repost the review I posted earlier this year on that book.

The farther I have read in this book on American society and the evolution and fragmentation of political and economic thought in the United States since maybe 1960, the more I enjoy it. It should win a National Book Award. My undergraduate depth in philosophy and history allows me to appreciate the interdisciplinary scope and intensity of analysis the Princeton History professor Daniel Rodgers brought to these essays on fracturing or pluralistic platooning of more simple and aggregate forms of social thought in economics, sociology, politics, race, gender studies and more.

I had not considered the fact before that the 1960’s anti-establishment libertarianism of anti-war, anti-draft, anti-government radicals synergized very logically into a 1980’s anti-big government, libertarian anti-state neo-conservative political philosophy. One finds innumerable interesting points in this book to support development of one’s own new political theories as one realizes better where America thought amidst elites has been and how it got to be where it is today.

Even the law has changed significantly on the basis for assigning value and compensation for plaintiff claims. Real social values of damages differ from narrow, proximal differences, and market values of claims damages differ as well with time as an element.

Individuals rather than social aggregations seem to be the present American point of view from which social corrections of class inequalities might be made, or rather, disregarded. If social classes are specious then corrections for class inequalities are as well. This book surveys changes in language and social power structures, from Foucault and on to the philosophies of Rawls, Rorty and Nozick. The contest between structure and destructuralism in social perceptions and power, in the pursuit for social justice and relation to the market comprise dialectical intellectual and political evolution that from my point of view fail to appreciate the frontier, phenomenal and voluntary nature of primitive human social aggregation for which good character seeking to assure freedom and the best possible way of life for all within available environmental resource limits would have a temporal propensity for redistributing wealth to the lowest class of society in order to increase opportunity until it became socially and economically counter-productive to do so.

At this point I will leave off commenting about Rawls’ philosophy and ‘The Age of Fracture’ and describe a better way of regarding society, briefly.

Anarchy, State and Utopia by Nozick was a libertarian reply to Rawls’ earlier book of social philosophy ‘A Theory of Justice’ helpfully summarized by Rodgers in ‘The Age of Fracture’. I have read the classical philosophers of political philosophy, yet not too much the more contemporary as I stayed with analytical philosophy, cosmology and occasional retro-readings (regarding time eg. Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Augustine, Origin, Athanasius etc.) in theology. Readings in the analytic philosophy of W.V.O. Quine, P.F. Strawson, Cohen, and others led to a better understanding of the nature of language, words and objects and so forth. Because I view society as a phenomenal, evolutionary aggregation that creates its own linguistic and moral ontologies phenomenally and appropriate for various respective stages and circumstances, yet also believe in God and a natural structure of the Universe from its quantum level to a solid state level consistent with the concept of natural law, its rather simple to regard arguments about social roles, social and political power and so forth as also phenomenal historical circumstances. The ideal human society short of the arrival of God to supervise personally, would try to perpetually restore to human society the volunteer, equal access the fundamental material needs and freedom found in a healthy natural environment so far as possible.

In a very advanced society money as power is transcended and the individual has adequate power to provide for individual freedom. The primary political directive would be to prevent any kind of coercive subjugation of anyone else, such that all people would need to associate strictly on a voluntary basis.

Societies evolve and historically appear at any given place and time. Changing a social environment is always challenging and seldom is accomplished without discomfiture to significant portions of the population. When a society reaches a rational material balance with the ecosphere however, when technology becomes environmentally minimalist regarding displacement of the ecosphere and the economics of personal living needs are socially well advanced freeing society from direct needs to the preponderance of repressive competition or exploitation of the environment, then each individual should have enough energy to be creative and survive to prosper intellectually and physically without compiling power or energy in such a way as to be repressive of anyone else in society. In that advanced ecospheric social structure, one that incidentally is space-faring, money, energy or wealth would be freely available like water is to a primitive society in an area with lots of naturally flowing streams. In such a context of rational and socially prosperous economic management there would be no reason for anyone to try to dam up or compile excess water for-themselves anymore so than there would be a reason for a hundred wandering Indians living in Eastern Oregon 15,000 years ago to fence property.

Human civilization has existed for about 8,000 years, and the progress of human society in economics might be fairly measured by observing how it provides its members with food and other necessities of life. Before civilization, with a far smaller population, most of humanity had sufficiency in food. Human freedom was general as slavery largely is a consequence of organized social subjugation. With economic progress much of humanity is subjugated by bureaucratic and organizational structures requiring servitude in exchange for food, shelter and other necessaries. Medical advances are vast improvements over pre-civilization human conditions, yet they are not available to all and for many require a kind of financial bondage to get (debt). The advance of civilization will require a rectification of the deficiencies in these conditions.

One day when economic rationality has advanced far enough freedom from want for all of humanity may be a fact, and the ecosphere might simultaneously be restored. The prevention of crime and ecospheric unfeasibility vis demographics and continuity might be the sole coercive governance in a rational society with a productive economy of a lowest entropy condition.

Every individual might create a secure home as easily as flipping open a self phone that would disappear when flipped shut. No cause for permanent geographic displacement of ecosphere or geographic area would exist. Economic competition would stop. Quality technical progress could continue. Yet that would be more like the pursuits of knowledge that ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians pursued; knowledge for its own sake. Dialectical conversations would occur, and material fabrications could be accomplished when necessary for some particular exploration venture. Generally though the advanced society would have accomplished insinuation into the Earth ecosphere in the most energy efficient and effective way practical with barriers to travel overcome, communication ubiquitous, freedom defended and the economy renaturalized as an equivalent to nature able to cohere non-invasively within the ecosphere (nature).

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...