
The Conservatism of William F. Buckley Jr. Had Oars in the Water

When William F. Buckley Jr. began his conservative movement in college during an era of college liberalism the evil empire-an authoritarian Soviet Union was in it full nuclear power and the Gulag, apparatchiks and industrialized economy ruled by the Supreme Soviet had Eastern Europe under it fist. Western civilization as a free society was defended only by the will to assert the idea of human liberty. Military, political and counter-intelligence activities were requisite at a high level of preparedness to balance potential Soviet invasion. A world proxy war to expand communism to the second and third world became Soviet policy following the death of Stalin. During the Vietnam conflict the American left became associated with some conservatives with support for the Soviet side and communist worldview. That many of the student protectors were jut self-interest draft dodgers or with a will to live and have the rich go fight wars for-themselves wasn’t considered a conservative recognition.

With the end of the Soviet Union in 1990 American conservatism no longer had the traditional enemy. Instead during the Clinton years it became itself an enemy of the poor and middle class America as it used its unchallenged power to consolidate wealth, betray the trust of the majority of conservative Americans and establish network of corporatism globally that changed the nation into a subjugated landing trip of new world order for aristocrats. Bad debt was distributed to the world, as American Wall Street quants became a non-producing skimming class.

William F. Buckley Jr. was an American patriot defending freedom against a powerful enemy. He was not a strong, emergent bully that would whuup the butts of his own people once the enemy was defeated through teamwork. William F. Buckley Jr. died before the first evil fruits of the pseudo-con corporate conservatism were enfiladed as aspect of an emerging predatory Wall Street, banking, mortgage, and corporate media aristocracy.

Real conservatives are not wise guy haves of dialectical media raving cons. Instead they conserve the planetary ecosphere, conserve natural resources, conserve morals, conserve family, conserve the wealth of the poor and middle class in helping them to secure their own prosperity-they do not reduce the majority to peonage, flood the nation with illegal aliens or develop a corporate lexicon of words regarded as hate speech and proscribe their use from the Internet by citizen writer.

Conservatism cannot be a technical right of repression of all but corporate interests and consolidation of non-democratic power. It cannot be an excuse to run roughshod over the actual economic interests of the majority. William F. Buckley Jr.’ conservatism was about the conservation of freedom and free enterprise democracy for all Americans-not just for an aristocracy. That I somewhat ironic since his demeanor was that of an intellectual aristocrat-one of a type I would think that would have warred to end the British aristocracy in America had lived in 1776, rather than take the side of conserving it.

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