
Eurozone Evolution to New Economic Warsaw Pact?

Europe as an economic Warsaw Pact wit former East European nations merging with the west under the benevolent guidance of a superior German union may by jolts and starts bump its way to becoming an example of the New World Feudalist Order under a kinder, gentler, evil ruling class of global supremists. Some obviously will object that quantitative cons by global arbitragers, insurance scammers, corrupt gangstering stock transaction rocket science quality scheming and other perfidy may be a blessing for those inferior people globally that fail to appreciate the force backing up the Evil New World Empire. Well-picky, picky, picky.

Contemporary sophists may persuasively argue that Gingrichian New World Order Economics is an inevitable consolidation of the inferior by the superior. A socialist underclass ruled by true capitalist majority network shareholders have overcome the problems raised by nationalism an individualism in economics and politics that lead to the sorts of chaos and war that elites have always opposed.

The founders of the United States of America valued individualism an individual rights most highly in the secular political sphere. Today they would reign in runaway organizational corporatism an globalism and restrict business organization to a bite-size and shareholding to a few companies in order to promote individual material prosperity as the foundation for democratic capitalism rather than vice versa. Plainly sophists will stipulate that the founders could not have been more wrong in not reinforcing rule by foreign aristocracy. Again it will be said that opponents to the New Corporate Feudalism are overly picky.

President Obama has sent some of his crack Bush II era financial advisory team to Europe to confer on how to help the Eurozone transition into a better supine position for global corporate takeover. If Newt Gingrich is elected President he can exploit his Reagan-Clinton era economic-political restructuring expertise to help build a new 2008 financial, banking and investment crash that will bring Europe to its knees faster and with more panache.

In order to create a New World Feudalism for elite sport the United States and Eurozone must be volatilized politically. Individualism and private individual interests must be quashed and totalized network economic control promoted. The masses must be massified and national independent reinforcement of private individual property annihilated. With the masses dependent for their survival economically upon networks of global scale mass economic power over the masses will gradually and sometimes suddenly transition into the determinative power of the wealthy elites with concentrated wealth and power.

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