
Eurozone Axis of Next Global Financial Collapse?

The world’s waves of epic blitzkreig mass media broadcast misdirection and financial swindling packaging temporal political and deregulatory packages into structures amenable for plucking by high tech quantitative redistributors of wealth from the people to the corrupt has concentrated its efforts presently upon The Eurozone. Quants must be having a field day flipping arbitrage clumps of Euros, Dollar and the Yuan. Some might even be readying for betting on a return of the Drachma, Deutchmark and other currencies lot lost to the past. Will the Ruble look like a safe place to stash some of those log rolling political windfalls if the Euro joins confederate dollars in the past?.

http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2011/12/01/soros-world-financial-system-on-brink-of-collapse/?mod=google_news_blog George Soros speaks

As Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill requested a compliant President Herbert Hoover to increase money supply. Today the Eurozone has effectively had President Obama do the same via its printing press loans to Eurozone entities.


Its been said that by the end of next week the world should know if Eurozone financial perfidy ostensibly progressing a sophomoric new world order zone idea of mass market conformity will lead the way into another, improved round of global financial collapse.

This next possible economic infarction is believed to have prospects for being a record setter surpassing the 2008 Wall Street banking and derivatives/mortgage failures. Insider economic sclerosis cannot always be relieved by a jolt of instant printing press bug juice and a sermon of voodoo economics. It is beleived that if enough Europeans have a new Euro flag to salute perhaps the medicine can be given as patriotic monetary sacrifice for the good of the masses allegiant to an oligarchy.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzrBurlJUNk Inside Job trailer

Many of the same players and global financial skill sets are back as veterans leading the surge of long distance, speed of light arbitrage and monetary manipulations. The Eurozone trough for potential profits must have attracted a legion of investor to the dark pools of meta-monetary extractions.


Philosophically one might wish that value theory were modernized to reflect real geo-temporal national values and that speculation and quantitative trading was substantially curbed. As it is the non-production sector of financial and government continue like an over-populated vampire colony to feed upon the small-time free enterprise cows innocently grazing the fields of nations.

The possibility of a Barrack Obama vs. Newt Gingrich U.S. election in 2012 may restore fear to the markets as the U.S.A. proves itself completely incapable of even nominating intelligent economic reform minded nationalistic candidates to the highest office. Yet if so we may ask, what of it? The market seems to have the poor, unemployed and increasingly the middle class to kick around increasingly as payback for delays in its conquering the world financially. Anyone financially online may have their assets redistributed to the wealthy one way or another-if not through mortgages than through the power company or fuel station.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has shared the Chinese wealth a little to the Eurozone liquidity crisis with a quantitative easing through half-price U.S. loans to European banks. The Chinese were uninterested in directly loaning money to the Eurozone.

One would prefer that the Eurozone be talked down from its suicidal perch on the top of the financial world and return to national currencies and firewalls a little at a time. The new world order of slick financial skimming globally should be bulldogged, hogtied and rendered unto history museums.

Adapting national economies to local sustainable resource use and employment should involve cutting out the middleman of cyber-space financial perfidy from planetary players with concentrated wealth seeking to rope-a-dope of yocality. The global trans-national investment era creates an apparently ideal network of economic irrationality as a kind of inversion of neural network devoted to reason, full employment, a good society and ecosphere.

Some of the nations least economically integrated in the New World Financial Disorder seem to be most secure from incipient waves of financial collapse when speculative quantitative profit taking temporal arbitrage overcomes political economic control. Iran with substantial sanctions upon it may suffer little if the Euozone and the dollar collapse. Russia and Iran too would be better set than China if the global financial house of cards experiences a new wind of change.


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