
Ancient Sea Levels & The Lost Civilization of Noah

About 25,000 years ago the Ice Age began ending, and by 15,000 years ago the ancient sea level about 120 meters lower than at present began to rise-it continued to rise until about the year 1000 a.d. Global warming may unnaturally make the sea level increase again a the last of the world' ice melt. By the way, one would think that the distribution of water weight to the ocean basins from the land and polar ice would affect plate tectonic a little.

In Alaska the S.E. region would have been affected a lot by those lower sea levels. Many of the larger islands of the Alexander Archipelago would have been connected to the mainland, and that is probably why the brown bears of some islands are genetically different from latter arrivals that migrated here after the sea level isolated and stranded one group of bear about 10,000 b.c.

Human ecospheric fragmentation isolates bear to this day as irrational ecosphere development puts politic-economy in the role of 'devil' in relation to wildlife adversely impacted by habitat fragmentation and destruction.


http://www.valdostamuseum.org/hamsmith/iceciv.html Ancient shorelines of Ice Age civilization(s)

Early behavorially correct humans migrated out of Africa perhaps 40,000 b.c. across the shallower Red Sea and along the Saudi-Yemeni waterfront to an oasis in the flood plain of the Persian Gulf (sea level was 100-300 feet lower then) may have been the lost civilization referred to in the story of Noah...see the article below on the Gulf Oasis civilization perhaps below the Persian Gulf...

http://www.livescience.com/10340-lost-civilization-existed-beneath-persian-gulf.html Persian Gulf Oasis utopia destroyed by an 8000 B.C. flood?

On mapping of areas vulnerable to sea level rise

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