
School Marm Style of Newt Gingrich Sends Him to Top in Iowa Republican Polls

Republican Presidential primary candidate Newt Gingrich is leading the pack of Republicans lusting after the office of President. With an historian's point of view on world and domestic affairs Newt has no competence on current economic affairs of course, yet talking about the Battles of Bull Run and the Marne, genuflecting upon American greatness of the past and how it can be recovered with cheap imported webbook computers from Taiwan can bring many Iowan voters to believe that cutting capital gains taxes on the rich is actually good for them.

Contemporary history, economic history and so forth are sub-specialties within the overly specialized academic divisions of history. The Wall Street problems of greed and deregulation, the transformation of much of the U.S. labor market to a Latino center driving down wages and creating a reverse economic apartheid in the U.S.A. for strait white male workers, the corporatism ingression into ossifying the national infrastructure in partnership with government-these are items the Georgian historian is only dimly cognizant of if at all. Well, at least he knows who wrote 'Gone With the Wind'.

Farmers with a million in debt and some kind of physical assets making them small business class people are easy pickins for the slick 'I know better than you yet feel your pain' style of the former speaker of the House who was dumped by his constituents after allegations of modest achievements of political corruption.

One must wonder if Mr. Gingrich has any idea of the redistribution of American wealth abroad through a variety of financial instruments brought about by deregulation and federal leadership that resulted during his tenure as speaker, and if he believes that horizontal rainfall will send wealth from abroad to America to trickle down in financially parched regions of the U.S.A.?

The comfortable insiders of the Republican and Democratic establishments fully employed and prospering during these unshared hard times for 20-30% of Americans live in a different nation than many of the rest of the citizens of the United States in effect, and they have the entertainment industry and media on their side as only sycophants are admitted. The rich are very comfortable and can dump buckets of manure on those below complaining of their indifference about high unemployment in the U.S.A, and the military academies are bought and paid for to defend ruling class interests so the confidence of the comfortable insiders is not badly formed.

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