
Newt Gingrich, Sexed Political Changes and Religious Wars

People may get the chance to answer the question 'who do you hate more- Newt Gingrich or Barrack Obama?' Alternatively Hollywood may make a thriller on President Obama as Abe Lincoln making a speech in advocacy of gays at Gettysberg.

Probably there were some homosexuals amidst other cabin vacating soldiers from the north that believed they were fighting to prevent oligarchy from rolling back democracy where it existed just barely.

If the Log Cabin Republicans are representative of Republican globalist designs the new U.S. military may be set to free gays all over the world with as much vigor as Grant attacking the Army of Virginia. Now that Obama has freed the gays the Republicans will have to put away their whips and chains-or perhaps not.

Maybe Mitt Romney can reverse the ill political winds of Washington in 2013.


The President's record as a champion of queer reichs is unchallengable. Thats the problem with many Americans perhaps. Homos and tepid tax cuts, Obamacare and the prospect of 20 trillion dollars of federal public debt if he is re-elected. If Newt were elected and had a sex change to become Queen Maude the First I that would be about as alien.

Newt's lesbian half sister is reported to have said she supports Barrack Obama. Newt is evidently against activism in support of homosexuality. That position places him outside the Obama global gay rights activism clan.

The new normal seems to be a progressive wave of corrupt federal leadership. Plainly Alaska's Don Young has a reprehensible environmental record, he also spends too much federal money in the state and is happy to cut services to the poor to pay for it.

America as the official planetary advocate for the sin of homosexuality may bring as much political insecurity as to advance it. One might wish a President would have more restraint before through his hat into the queer eye for the world strait guys ring willy nilly.

The new normal as a way to advance weirdness and public debt into American politics seems to be the goal of the broadcast media. I suppose the entertainment industry is a kind of networking leadership of depraved people that have little respect for individual economic rights. Maybe the price of cocaine will drop enough that those in front of television cameras have more creative thought.

One might wish to keep the record straight on who these Republican candidates are-even Sarah Palin doesn't seem so bad these days. Only Mitt Romney seems like an adult candidate running for the Republican nomination. The Iowans seem to prefer religious war sides as an essential element of choice for leadership. St. Bartholomews day all over again I maybe.

http://www.historyguide.org/earlymod/lecture6c.html religious wars of Europe

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