
Capture of Drone RQ-170 Leaves Unanswered Questions

When the Iranian evidently brought the secret C.I.A. operated aircraft in for a safe landing perhaps by skyjacking the wireless controls or given the power to fly the aircraft by an insider espionage agent it is remarkable that the U.S. Government simply gave up power and had no dead-man device inside the detonate the air vehicle.

The entire idea of reducing large size aircraft with high radar profiles or small stealthy size for surveillance missions is somewhat expensive. Besides drone aircraft having some sort of explosive package that goes off if it flies below a specified altitude without being in U.S. government control, maybe U.S. legislators unable to get full employment and a better standard of living with no public debt within a reasonable time could be made to detonate to and a new set of legislators installed again with built in performance packages for incentive.

Some sort of a public employment, environmental and economic quality of life index made with public debt cognizance and so forth could be formed to rate any given congress on performance.

Very expensive fixed wing aircraft that are spy planes might be augmented by ultra-light transparent or lighter-than aircraft with miniaturized electronics and launched from large air-force planes by the thousands to have a very low radar signature yet be far cheaper. Maybe one could develop disposable cheap spy aircraft to deliver small amounts of emergency food supplies to starving populations without runways as well. That would be an interesting experimental opportunity.

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