
Predator Drone's View of Last U.S. Convoy Leaving Iraq

It's a good view of the conclusion of a very expensive, paradoxical military action's final phase. With a congressional inability to create a balanced budget in the United States-and they are not even close, for with 14 trillion of public debt cutting social spending by even 50% would not balance the budget. Military spending needs a 25% cut, social security's top 30% should be cut, and the Bush-Obama tax cuts should expire. When the public pays nearly a trillion a year in interest on debt as it will in a few years with it being about 800 billion annually now it is getting little for its tax money if social spending is cut.

The Federal Government needs to run a tax surplus and pay off the debt. As the debt reduces its easier to finish paying it off. When it is eliminated its like getting the social spending sector paid for free comparatively (to the way it is now).


In Iraq, except for the terrorism after the invasion, the Bush administration might have created a perfect economy using supply side theory in two or three millenia.

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