
Are Penguins Dancing Down the Dodo Trail?

One day when Antarctica's shores warm enough to sustain a little more mammalian life the release of predators upon fllghtless birds may present the penguin with a dodo scenario for extinction.

Sure transplanting polar bear from the Arctic might extend the prospects for that endangered Arctic mammal, yet polar bear too would probably add the penguin population to their seafood plate.

When cats reached the South Pacific dodo days were numbered. One wonders what species-even an arctic lynx might be the predator destined to spice up their menu with the penguin?

Free Political Criticism of Alaska Republican and Democratic Parties

Alaska's Republican and Democratic Parties have the chance to improve their job performance if given sufficient criticism-they don't usually get enough as the public is rather miserly with that so I will share some.


The State legislature is usually concerned about slicing up the oil royalty pie, and on how much to tax the oil companies-Alaskans don't have a state income tax and the 750,000 citizens rely on their legislature and Governor to decide how to pay for the state government and channel the money to the right people.


When Sarah Palin was Governor she made the state tax policy on oil corporate profits progressive. When the price per barrel increased the state share in taxes increased too. The Present Governor is nothing like that. Governor Parnell is not a chip off the old block at all and seeks to cut oil corporate taxes with the theory that it would increase their production and the increased through-put of state natural resources to global corporations would in some way make up for potential future loss of state oil tax revenue because of diminishing production.


Plainly the Governor is in the pocket of big oil and supports off shore drilling. The Governor also supports making the Susitna River drainage a kind of Ruhr Industrial Park with cheap electricity from a future 700-foot tall dam on the upper Susitna to provide cheap electricity 'one hundred years'.

The Governor certainly isn't looking ahead militarily a hundred years. Just one drone aircraft packed with next generation explosives could knock out the dam and plunge the rail-belt people below in the dark-all the way to Anchorage. It would be the first target to hit in event of any future war, and the vulnerability to easy destruction the next century might make the Republican Party even more reliant upon supervision by Chinese industrial consultants that might want to get involved with the ore processing too. Plainly diversified alternate energy accentuating non-state production is a better bet for liberty.

The Governor and the Republicans are sycophants of global corporate interests and fundamentally want to have a monopolistic power authority, consolidated political control totalizing political liberty and reducing competition and no environmental ripples on the oil sheen of Alaska's future. The Democratic Party as the weird sex party at state and national levels have low boundary concerns and just want to hop into one big happy bed as socialist DSKs.

Alaska's diversification is really somewhat illusory in the economic field as the large global corporations fundamentally own the state legislature via both party's competition to get priority at the corporate spigot. No other business is possible besides the corporate mining and oil of course, and even electrical power needs to be an anti-free enterprise state dominated phenomena.

In Washington State in the 50s and 60s a lot of dams were built to produce cheap power for Aluminum manufactures and of course nuclear bomb and weapons research. The Susitna Dam could produce new earthquakes and maybe a smelter for processing ore for vast copper mines near Bristol Bay (a recent 27,000 word privately funded economic impact paper is probably a butt kissing report by Anglo-American), yet the Governor wants approval of the Pebble Mine that would probably devastate fisheries at Bristol Bay eventually and is looking beyond that to providing cheap power down the road processing ore and metals manufacturing.


Real Republicans in Alaska could look to California free enterprisers in producing fuel cell power plants for Alaska that would create jobs in the U.S.A. and be safer to operate in Alaska. Real Republican theory would let mining and industrial corporations produce their own electricity instead of acting like a Soviet organ to provide low-cost state power supply to industry. From the oil depletion allowance to the Republican reliance on oil for income and power as if conservation was defined by the fuel with the most high carbon dioxide output per volume the neglect of free enterprise and alternate energy development is notable.

The dialectical evolution of dumb economic and ecological development is an inevitable consequence of the kind of people that make of the Alaska government today. At least there is no point in wasting time with any hope for tomorrow. Medals and retirements to plush locations down south await them all, and with the broadcast media in their pockets no chance of local political independence meaningfully exists in Alaska or the U.S.A.


Envia Produced Highest-Density Electric Car Battery Yet

A high-density battery that might move an electric car 300 miles for $10 without needing to stop for recharging may be on the way. Envia of California has produced the car battery with the highest energy density so far.


The battery may produce electricity at $125 Kwh compared with $300 to $500 in Leafs and Volts. The price may drop farther as competition drives subsequent inventions. The ideal I guess would be to make 2nd world electric cars for fewer than $10,000 possible.


The company used a 4 million dollar federal grant and built on federal research to turn out a good product. There may be a variety of versions of synthetic batteries to jolt the electric car movement ahead while the conservative Tar Sands Co2 power school of economics looms like a global warming doom out there as a distant smoke on the horizon of space-time.

United Technologies once had a promising solar panel before a patent infringement suit from ARCO brought it down. Fossil fuel corporations have deep pockets to inhibit electric car progress.

Hogan's Fermilab Experiment for Digital Space-Time

An article on the physicist's experiment to determine if space has 'quantum jitters' as a basic characteristic is the lead in the February Scientific American. It’s a good low-cost experiment using lasers and interferometers finely tuned that might find it space-time itself is more holographic and uncertain itself.

The idea that mass confined to within a Plank length must be single applies evidently to black holes. All that mass within a logical destination in the form of a particular wave function seems improbable enough, yet with a non-deterministic brane containing the mass, who would ever observe it anyway to determine location or speed?


The article written by Michael Moyer describes the holographic principle and explains something of the concept of the Universe as a two-dimensional sheet with information on it providing the 3-dimensional appearance. Evidently the way information is conserved going in to black holes is important (Stephen Hawking worked on it). One would think that there is some kind of theoretical limit upon how much information (mass) can go into a black hole and how small it might be.

http://www.bottomlayer.com/bottom/DPandMe.html The digital universe with a philosophical perspective on religion

Some of those problems might be obviated by the faster than light instantaneous all possible places (worldlines) of the quantum world. Perhaps information at black holes if condensed to a Planck scale (the smallest size imaginable quantitatively) becomes potential information redistributed to the quantum field outside solid-state space after warping space-time locally to the maximum degree. Does some of that information leak out anywhere as virtual particles or space-time expansion?


Hogan's experiment to see if space is digital with quantum foamy jitters (what field would connect the discrete bits of space-time) is a practical way to look into small scale physics that would require a vastly larger particle smasher than is likely to be built this millennium (although one never knows for sure what might be constructed in the future).


One might enjoy an annual box score of the year's good physics experiments for the benefit of the reading public interested in those event-processes and the results.


Romney vs. Santorum for Poll Position

Mitt Romney has shown excellent character during his protracted campaign sojourn through the slings and arrows of media and pundit pummeling. It is ironic that he is something like RG3 in economic competence and that scoring high is used as a disqualifier by his opponents. Well, F.D.R. was from a good family and did a pretty good job as President too. One can't always prejudge the rich and assume that they will work against the general national economic interest.

Rick Santorum only earns 3/4s of a million or so a year so he is regarded as a regular guy. I am not certain what he is conservative about in economics though-maybe he wants to revolt against the British and send the 7th fleet to take back the footsie from the Queen and BP from alien control. Possibly tar sands in Alberta heated up would add enough Co2 to the atmosphere to be considered 'conservative'.

Either Santorum or Romney would be a good President.


False gods, Burning Korans And the Administration's Abominable Policies

On false gods and God's willingness to destroy those societies that pursue them, it seems to be historically factual. Well, if you accept that the Old testament of the Bible is basically a Jewish history book it is well known that God not only destroyed pagan enemies of Israel but also sent Israel into captivity for worshiping false Gods and pursuing abominable practices a time or two.


Today, with the abominable practices of the Obama administration in gaying up the military and organizing homosexual 'marriage', we see Korans burned in Kabul and American soldiers murdered in the Interior Ministry, riotous protests, injuries and death. One may believe that sort of thing is just coincidence, yet the Afghans probably believe the U.S. military is becoming some sort of atheistic tool for godless perversions that the administration seeks to force upon the world-it is challenging to say that they are wrong.

Why keep more than a hundred thousand soldiers in a nation trying to stamp out Al Qaeda that merely moved to our 'ally' Pakistan for a decade of easy living in a recently razed compound in the bosum of Pakistan's military or intelligence community when the policy is bound to fail to impress the illiterate or semi-literate yet moral as far as the Koran's values go Afghan? The extended deployment gives jobs to military contractors and little else. Not even the unemployed in the U.S.A. necessarily like the U.S. Government or its high-living, anti-god employees incapable of getting full employment and health care for the poor into reality. The government seems like a revolving door for the prosperous, the globalists and the immoral more often than not.

In Afghanistan, like Iraq, administration policy seems just stupid and adrift without purpose besides domestic political posturing.

If the administration has a blind spot to the bad pr its pansification policy of the military has or will have upon perceptions by Moslems of the kind of people and policies the U.S. military pursue in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Moslem world it should not be ignored by political planners in the next administration. The consequences of a gayed up neo-atheist godless military reinforced ideologically by Harvard atheist elite insiders that regard human life as no more significant than its D.N.A. stream deployed in Moslemnations may be expensive to taxpayers in that they shall lack the moral authority in antipathetic uniformity to traditional ways of the godly.

When administration policy is so consistently godless it is difficult to be a political apologist to Moslems for American good intentions in occupying their nation until some goal of non-violence is achieved. A godless U.S. Government of, by and for atheist, amoral foes of God wearing lab coats is not one that very many unsold in that way of regarding Americans and aliens alike can support.

The United States has probably reached a point to decide more quickly what it is doing in Afghanistan, cut its losses and costs, secure the stability of the Northern Alliance in their own state and leave before the Afghans learn how really repulsive the administration policy and intentions are. Maybe they will want homosexual marriages in Afghanistan before the military leaves.

And stop giving Pakistan 10 cents or more a year!


Lindsey Lawless & Greenpeace Board Alaska-Bound Shell OIl Drill Ship

The actree Lindsey Lawless is up a 174 foot tower on a Shell Ship headed for Alaska to help frill and possibly foul those endangered north waters above Alaska. Wow, she is a regular apprentice hero kind of women!


The major oil corporations are a kind of above the law, and oil depletion allowances besides kind of by your average Alaska politician kind of people. I'll bet they give the actress good food on that luxury support vessel though. Its good to be at sea until the life is all dead in it from carbonic acid.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...