
Romney vs. Santorum for Poll Position

Mitt Romney has shown excellent character during his protracted campaign sojourn through the slings and arrows of media and pundit pummeling. It is ironic that he is something like RG3 in economic competence and that scoring high is used as a disqualifier by his opponents. Well, F.D.R. was from a good family and did a pretty good job as President too. One can't always prejudge the rich and assume that they will work against the general national economic interest.

Rick Santorum only earns 3/4s of a million or so a year so he is regarded as a regular guy. I am not certain what he is conservative about in economics though-maybe he wants to revolt against the British and send the 7th fleet to take back the footsie from the Queen and BP from alien control. Possibly tar sands in Alberta heated up would add enough Co2 to the atmosphere to be considered 'conservative'.

Either Santorum or Romney would be a good President.

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