
Slavery Was Business as Usual Globally Until 18th Century

For most of human history slavery was a normal social institution. The practice was not learned in the Americas from Columbus and the Spaniards. Cortez met a peer slave owner in Montezuma who was also accomplished at human sacrifice.

It is difficult today to realize how recently in history slavery was abolished universally except for regions of the Earth where it is surruptitiously exploited as an economic vice on disadvantaged workers. Genoa Italy sent its prisoners to five-year sentences aboard slave galleys with life expectancy about two years in the 17th century. Christopher Columbus was from Genoa.

Tribal reaction against slavery and class exploitation has been severe to when the oppressed overcome the oppressors. Haitian slaves in revolt annihilated all white people on the Island. German Nazi’s in a confused social environment sent to death camps most non-Germans and especially Jews tat were regarded as wealthy trans-national oppressors.

One might look a little farther east and be aware that V.I. Lenin purged from Russia all farmers with more than two cows as wealthy and about five million Kulaks perished in Siberian relocation camps. One could not have expected German communists to be too sympathetic with any Jew with gold.

People never have enough money or power. Rush Limbaugh would never give up his global E.I.B. microphone and become a Christian evangelist in Tibet. The Chinese Imperial Government had their peons, serfs or chattel even until the 20th century trailing behind the liberal Russian Imperial Government in ending their oppressive institution called serfdom by more than a half-century. India and other nandering naybobs of negativism might regard their Imperial overlords-the British as oppressive neo-slavers of a sort right until mid-20th century, yet of course they had their own institution of the caste system to keep the undesirables down economically until quite recently.

Sometimes politics continues as today in the U.S.A. in a broken form incapable of fixing the economy and creating full employment. With more than 1% non-citizens in the U.S.A. a variety of corruptions flourish in employment numbers too high, in elderly people being excluded from social safety nets, in compelling a minority of Americans to pay taxes for the majority and so forth. The middle class and business want to cut spending on the poor to balance the budget. EVen if the poor were to not get their 1.2 billion each year for twelve million cell phones it would not balance the budget when the rich spent billions each month in Iraq just for the hell of it and to give defense contractors income streams.

Because pay phones have been phased out the poor without phones cannot communicate for emergency calls, to be hired by employers or to let the N.S.A. and F.B.I. listen to their ghetto conversations. Cell phone subsidies let the government track down terrorists through a process of elimination. It is not out of the goodness of the heart that the billion dollars is spent on cellular lifeline service.

American slavery was an inherited social institution pre-existing the American revolution of 1776. It is a complete misunderstanding of history not to comprehend that the founders new they could not eliminate slavery right away and instead banned the importation of slaves as soon as the Government was a little stablished in the early 19th century. Eliminating slavery would require a civil war-basically an economic war in 1865.

The Confederate slave owning class-the 1% of its day-was as unwilling to give up property; they regarded slaves as property, as middle class Americans today would be to give up fossil fuel vehicles or pay higher taxes. Human beings have had a universal willingness to exploit to death their fellow man especially when they are not of their own tribe or social class.

Africans first and foremost followed later by Moslems from Arabia and then the Portuguese created slavery in Africa. When the New World was discovered existing American tribes and their slave practices became anachronisms and were dwarfed by European slavery entrepreneurs selling their cargo from West Africa to colonists in the New World.

Gosh, people are rotten.

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