
Mediterranean-Dead Sea Canal Update

For generations visionaries have sought to bring the Dead Sea back to life.

With a 1200 foot difference between sea level in the Med and Dead seas the concept of filling the 1200 feet below sea level canal has been considered at least since 1855. The most recent idea is to exploit the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railway tunnel to run a pipeline.

Some objections to resurrecting the declining Dead Sea might be made by the lucrative brine to sodium, potassium, magnesium chloride businesses as well as others.

It is hard to guess what archaeological treasures might be lost forever if the water level is raised 1200 feet; maybe ancient scrolls?

If the project could help Mediterranean tuna recover to robust numbers the canal route might be better. First though, the depths need to be scoured for artifacts by drone submersibles until nothing could be overlooked including evidence of the lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah though there may be nothing at all left of those best forgotten settlements of reprobates.


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