
The Advancing Atomtronic Research Efforts

From the ultra-cold Bose-Einstein condensates developments to more research in moving atoms through ultra-cold mediums the science of using atoms to convey information in 'tame' networks has developed.


Atomtronics is like electronics substituting atoms for electrons in those circuits and other applications. Spintronics exploits the spin of electrons as well as charge, while atomtronics can exploit entire atoms in a large number of potential applications.

http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/25197 'How to build an atomtronic computer'

Atomtronic application are few yet, it is thought they may be useful in connecting up quantum computers and states of entangled particles. Atomtronics present new ways of storing information and making batteries and work best in super-cold environments. One might construct very cold atomtronic quantum computer pure-logic circuits in some deep, cold crater on the moon and input solar power to charge it up.

One might imagine future atomtronics synthetic space systems construction of habitats of interstellar dust or whatever as information and atom processing technology synthesizes where the rubber meets the road.

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