
Hogan's Fermilab Experiment for Digital Space-Time

An article on the physicist's experiment to determine if space has 'quantum jitters' as a basic characteristic is the lead in the February Scientific American. It’s a good low-cost experiment using lasers and interferometers finely tuned that might find it space-time itself is more holographic and uncertain itself.

The idea that mass confined to within a Plank length must be single applies evidently to black holes. All that mass within a logical destination in the form of a particular wave function seems improbable enough, yet with a non-deterministic brane containing the mass, who would ever observe it anyway to determine location or speed?


The article written by Michael Moyer describes the holographic principle and explains something of the concept of the Universe as a two-dimensional sheet with information on it providing the 3-dimensional appearance. Evidently the way information is conserved going in to black holes is important (Stephen Hawking worked on it). One would think that there is some kind of theoretical limit upon how much information (mass) can go into a black hole and how small it might be.

http://www.bottomlayer.com/bottom/DPandMe.html The digital universe with a philosophical perspective on religion

Some of those problems might be obviated by the faster than light instantaneous all possible places (worldlines) of the quantum world. Perhaps information at black holes if condensed to a Planck scale (the smallest size imaginable quantitatively) becomes potential information redistributed to the quantum field outside solid-state space after warping space-time locally to the maximum degree. Does some of that information leak out anywhere as virtual particles or space-time expansion?


Hogan's experiment to see if space is digital with quantum foamy jitters (what field would connect the discrete bits of space-time) is a practical way to look into small scale physics that would require a vastly larger particle smasher than is likely to be built this millennium (although one never knows for sure what might be constructed in the future).


One might enjoy an annual box score of the year's good physics experiments for the benefit of the reading public interested in those event-processes and the results.


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