
Just Say No Taxes on Internet Sales

Taxing Internet sales seems an unfair violation of free trade and commerce between the states much less the world. With the United States outsourcing production of material commodities yet having some prospects for Internet sales growth domestically and Internationally burdening the ordinary people that use the Internet for sales would unfairly punch the little guy in the mouth.

Consider for a minute the vast dark pools of high-speed global Internet trading that are done every second by Wall Street and other global high-finance companies that are entirely below the radar screen much less taxed. Those quantitative purchases and sales done in a fraction of a second ought to be taxed at F.D.R.'s 90% tax rate on the rich before any sort of Internet tax is dumped upon the individual high plains sales drifter buying special vita-oats for his horse.

Elect Congresspersons that believe in free Internet trade without vast taxation bureaucracies.



Scheduled Reduction of Publishing

The quantitative aspect of my posts at this blog will for the foreseeable future be substantially reduced. If possible I shall return to the usual schedule in a year or two.


What WIll Google Invest in Next?

One wonders what Google will invest in next? Tesla Motors seems a likely prospect with the union of electric auto technology and computer driving systems. Since Google choose not to submit to Chinese Communist censorship in order to do business in China, and China is producing electric vehicles investing in electric vehicles may be another route into China's business market. It is hard to believe that the communists would want to censor automobile programming much.

Cheap Do-it-Yourself Haircuts

For cheap, effective haircuts buy an plug-in electric haircutter at a big-box discount store for less than $20. Over the course of a year it pays for itself many times over. Use the largest size plastic cutter screen for the haircutter and buzz it all over. Then take an adjustable baseball cap and tighten it up so that it would fit on just the top of your head. Set it aside

Next take a number two hair cutter screen and put that on the cutter. Starting at the bottom work up on all sides toward the top. Don't cut the hair on top you want to remain long. You should have a general taper. Put on the cap. It may set down  midway or near the top of the area just cut with the two screen.

Take off the screen and try to cut all of the hair below the cap. Make sure the cap is set evenly on the head . The basic problem with cutting your own hair is you may look like you scalped yourself badly. Protecting the top part with the cap and cutting all the hair below the cap as close as possible entirely avoids that problem and presents a tapered appearance.

It may take a couple weeks to grow out evenly, yet one can become proficient at the simple haircut and save quite a bit annually. In Alaska a haircut costs a minimum of $25 dollars. For the unemployed that's unrealistic.


Satire Interview-Mr. Ed Says to Bring Crime Out of the Shadows

An interview with Mr. Ed-the ultimate Washington insider, usually brings a load of horse sense to difficult hot-button political issues. Lately the buzzword phrase for rationalizing dubious legislation is that it will bring it out of the shadows. I wondered what Mr. Ed-the real Mayor of Realville, thought of that.

Expert interviewer; Mr Ed, besides illegal immigration, dope smoking and homosexuality, what other matters in politics should be brought out of the shadows, or to think of it, should remain in the shadows?

Mr. Ed; I have been chewin it over lately and think crime should be brought out of the shadows. If it weren't criminal anymore it wouldn't cost nothin to fix it or correct it saving a lot of tax dollars.


Mr. Ed; You betcha. When tax evasion is brought out of the shadows and made legal there will be a lot more tax payers. When organized crime is brought out of the shadows the only underworld will be those opposed to the former mob made legit. They just wants a piece of the action.

E.I.; Possibly it is so.

Mr. Ed; Ain't no possibility about it. If child molestation is brought out of the shadows new production of special child-like robots in Silicon Boob Valley fine for molesting and photographin can stimulate the wallpaperin business and get tax revenue for bureaucrats-that sort of thing is already over-subject to government regulation.

E.I.; Anything else?

Mr. Ed; Well you could make robbery legal ending the problem of theft and simultaneously changing the way people think about vast federal debt. Newt Spangle's Inverse logic economics entirely nullifies traditional concepts of public debt, makin debt a public good.

E.I.; Some would disagree.

Mr Ed;They don't have that libertarian spirit-let wild horses run free! Think about bringin government corruption out of the shadows and makin it legal. Government lawyers and cops and judges would be freed up to get pay increases with bribes over-the-table and honest government by the highest bidders would bring truth to the people.

E.I.; Out of the shadows is a compelling concept.

Mr. Ed; In the shadows the will of the people is repressed, dank and deep. Bringing quickie hangings after a due moment in court on the nearest lamppost would satisfy the repressed desire for justice that burns in the hearts of some and light up some lives.

E.I.;Sure Mr. Ed, you can never be too liberal in bringing things out of the shadows.

Mr. Ed; Machine guns and honest anarchy ought to liberate the folks. Haven't you ever wanted to gun down some fellow giving you the evil eye or burn down the mission district?

E.I.; Well, I try to keep that in the shadows.

Mr. Ed; Exactly! That's just what's wrong with the world.

E.I.; Thank you for the opinions. Next week we shall return to ask you about the underemployment and unemployment issues.

Mr. Ed; I'll be chewin it over.


Global Warming Reduction with Political Economy Efficiency Increase

Moderation in defense of virtue is no vice. Business is beginning to realize that a political economy transitioning toward ecological rationality is good for business. Instead of making America a comfortable slum with offshore production and sprawling inefficient urban and suburban areas more efficient land use can produce generations of high-tech workers and profit. The 2016 Presidential election is the last chance for a generation G.O.P candidates to return to mainstream business and ecological leadership and forgo the Neanderthal extremist conservative global warming deniers without a care about increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Like early 60's gas guzzlers like the Toronado political economy has much room for efficiency increase. The development of land and energy use patterns in urban and suburban regions of the U.S.A. have evolved somewhat inefficiently to producing copious greenhouse gases that are largely fossil fuel emission bi-products. With intelligent political-economy reform it is thought that better urbanization structures bringing more of the population closer to the prime market of urban areas utilizing state-of-the-art mass transit and alternative energy technology to produce energy could create jobs and improve the state of human health and well-being concurrently. About 4 million souls die each year from air pollution.

http://www.economist.com/node/14447171 global warming is bad for poor countries

In 2015 the 21st summit on climate change will meet in Paris.. G.O.P. candidates for President ought to be leaders this time and help move the world toward better political economy with efficiency improvements in human urban and suburban dwelling patterns that could be replicated globally with little harm to the environment.

It is true that some may live in rural areas with zero global emissions efficiency and shelter wildlife with minimal environmental impact-yet that is a voluntary practice-most people would drive an SUV, slaughter forests and kill wildlife to extinction-its a human social trait. Well, back to the city.

There is no excuse involving religion or business that can justify ignorant unwillingness to modernize political economy toward better efficiency. When the most ignorant lead a political party and when extremist talk radio demagogues attack Republican candidates as not conservative enough Democrat politicians have easy victories in Presidential elections assuring the most immoral social development possible. That is entirely the fault of ignorance-wing talk radio.

Yet all is not sanguinary with more efficient concentration of population in urban areas in good homes designed for comfortable human living. Urban areas without green building exteriors may become ecosphere deserts-sterile and act as heat sinks producing micro-climates besides. New land-owning corporate aristocracies like Lord Fairfax who owned much of Virginia may buy up the entire rural areas of the world for-themselves and put no trespassing signs on it for mere mortals to tremble at crossing. Politics needs to address real-world facts to be useful to the populous. Wrong though politically winning platforms will not roll back the tide of global warming any more than King Canute's order for the ocean to recede. With no change in current greenhouse gas output the global temperature is anticipated to rise by 6 degrees centigrade in the long run after 2050 when greenhouse gas emissions would have doubled from the present level.

It is necessary to reduce human caused global warming gases by at least billion billion tons annual before 2030 or the world may become altered beyond economic sustainability for billions. I believe that 2013 had the record amount of global warming gases ever released by mankind in it's history. G.O.P. business leadership is required to make an effective and adequate initial response to the challenges of environmental decay and change.


Yes,There Will Be a Third Volume of Honest History

Yes there will be a third volume of Honest History. Compiling and editing the essays published in this blog gives me something to work on in a social environment where the value of my education is virtually nil.  Still, I enjoy writing and continue learning interdisciplinary studies of history, philosophy, cosmology and theology. Logically it seems wasteful not to write something of what one has learned from the macro-social point of view. Even if the electorate inevitably moves toward social determinism of corruption without philosophically enlightened leadership, or even works along a line leading to scientific based atheistic globulism, perhaps posterity will have some readers interested in a minority report. 
The essays were composed in the first person perspective regarding. The interpretation of current events comprising contemporary history require the selection of noteworthy items of interest that substantially affect, alter or change the continuum of social and political formation. Current trends may generate similar trends. Social and political inertia like scientific discoveries may or may not be able to improve the civic condition-sometimes well intentioned changes may cause counterproductive and maladaptive social phenomena.
So I continue to write brief essays regarding events making the news in the published media and Internet realms as well as a few physically proximal entries in order to record a valid and unbiased analysis of the world and nation as it is. It seems generally that the United States has entered a classical pattern of decay importing too much cheap labor, concentrating wealth, having nearly a majority of Americans unemployed, 100 trillion in financial obligations, the environment being run down in inefficient regarding entropy economic system while providing trillions of dollars in retirement payments annually to economically non-productive citizens from the public sector tying up potential capital for investment and development.
Though the United States has outsourced much industrial production to China it is following that up with the Internet outsourcing of much other work in professional and semi-professional fields to global lowest cost bidders. Same day offshore production of custom materials ordered from the U.S.A. can deliver lower than U.S. domestic cost products via same-day Fed-ex shipping. Little theoretical response by the government has developed. Because of the cult worship of Adam Smith's economic laissez fare criteria it is thought by the simple that unrestricted capital is king, or that communism and socialism are the sole alternatives. Neither is right, and Adam Smith is misunderstood; the British government existed to correct the potential tyranny of capitalism in his day. Smith understood that absolute power can produce repressive and uncreative aristocracy through several channels including capitalism. As a friend mentored by David Hume, Smith wasn't naive.
There really is too much in the field of classical historical decay of an over-mature civilization occurring in the U.S.A. to include in the introduction. Societies and civilizations are always a mix of good and bad trends. Good government with good leadership can address those challenges while bad government tend to disregard them or even regard evil as virtue. I hope that the challenges are overcome with complete border security, cessation of printing free money loans at zero interest to large banks, better Wall Street regulation and so forth. I also hope the world of security and ecological challenges have adequate responses and that democracy can be recovered from corporatism and incipient plutocracy.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...