
Yes,There Will Be a Third Volume of Honest History

Yes there will be a third volume of Honest History. Compiling and editing the essays published in this blog gives me something to work on in a social environment where the value of my education is virtually nil.  Still, I enjoy writing and continue learning interdisciplinary studies of history, philosophy, cosmology and theology. Logically it seems wasteful not to write something of what one has learned from the macro-social point of view. Even if the electorate inevitably moves toward social determinism of corruption without philosophically enlightened leadership, or even works along a line leading to scientific based atheistic globulism, perhaps posterity will have some readers interested in a minority report. 
The essays were composed in the first person perspective regarding. The interpretation of current events comprising contemporary history require the selection of noteworthy items of interest that substantially affect, alter or change the continuum of social and political formation. Current trends may generate similar trends. Social and political inertia like scientific discoveries may or may not be able to improve the civic condition-sometimes well intentioned changes may cause counterproductive and maladaptive social phenomena.
So I continue to write brief essays regarding events making the news in the published media and Internet realms as well as a few physically proximal entries in order to record a valid and unbiased analysis of the world and nation as it is. It seems generally that the United States has entered a classical pattern of decay importing too much cheap labor, concentrating wealth, having nearly a majority of Americans unemployed, 100 trillion in financial obligations, the environment being run down in inefficient regarding entropy economic system while providing trillions of dollars in retirement payments annually to economically non-productive citizens from the public sector tying up potential capital for investment and development.
Though the United States has outsourced much industrial production to China it is following that up with the Internet outsourcing of much other work in professional and semi-professional fields to global lowest cost bidders. Same day offshore production of custom materials ordered from the U.S.A. can deliver lower than U.S. domestic cost products via same-day Fed-ex shipping. Little theoretical response by the government has developed. Because of the cult worship of Adam Smith's economic laissez fare criteria it is thought by the simple that unrestricted capital is king, or that communism and socialism are the sole alternatives. Neither is right, and Adam Smith is misunderstood; the British government existed to correct the potential tyranny of capitalism in his day. Smith understood that absolute power can produce repressive and uncreative aristocracy through several channels including capitalism. As a friend mentored by David Hume, Smith wasn't naive.
There really is too much in the field of classical historical decay of an over-mature civilization occurring in the U.S.A. to include in the introduction. Societies and civilizations are always a mix of good and bad trends. Good government with good leadership can address those challenges while bad government tend to disregard them or even regard evil as virtue. I hope that the challenges are overcome with complete border security, cessation of printing free money loans at zero interest to large banks, better Wall Street regulation and so forth. I also hope the world of security and ecological challenges have adequate responses and that democracy can be recovered from corporatism and incipient plutocracy.

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