
Federal Judges Corrupt Equal Protection Clause Again

Corrupt Federal Judges have struck again forcing homosexual marriage upon Alaska throwing out the state's heterosexual marriage law. I order to overcome the legacy of slavery and racial segregation certain laws were adumbrated under the rubrick of equal protection. These laws were in effect irrational, untruthful gerrymandering of law to benefit particular classes of people out of phase with the philosophically vague concept of equal protection of law. 

The equal protection clause was inserted into the 14th amendment in 1868 by a court seeking to correct the problem of slavery-they could never foresee it's broad application attacking the rationality of law and the constitution itself.

Misuse and abuse of the Equal Protection concept of Law concept of the Constitution has made a farce of the concept of equal legal protection. I.Q. tests, grades and measures used to discriminate against the stupid must be ruled unconstitutional. The dumb have as much right to be lawyers and judges as the smart-yea-even more so, for there are more of them. Many have already been serving as federal judges and are seeking to expand application of the equal protection umbrella of the U.S. Constitution (it's not a real umbrella).

In the brave new homosexual paradigm laws may not be specifically designed to serve particular interests of people. Citizens and non-citizens must be regarded as abstract entities such as a number '1' with entirely the same value and identity. Different physical standards for men and women must be erased from every social application-women must compete as equals of men. Women should be regarded as inferior men that need unequal protection to score as well on physical testing standards. Equal protection can be assured by destroying social structures that create different economic outcomes such as the N.F.L. where the men get all the money because of sophisticated unequal protection of the law.

Hate crimes laws that fail to protect the rights of citizens to hate anyone equally without giving preferential, special legal protections to specific classes of citizens exemplify the unequal gerrymandering of the corrupted federal judiciary today. Citizens and non-citizens must be free to hate American politicians and judges regardless of race, color, creed or national origin without concern that some hate-worthy classes have unconstitutional, special and favored legal protections. Accurate legal application of equal protection of law a work of love. Some may wish that D.C. were vaporized to spare the poor that cannot afford to retire in some other nation (they are not all the same) onerous edicts of the corrupt federal judiciary because not all Americans fondle the same even so some suck up federal butch decrees with a smile.

The consequences of heavy American drug use have taken their toll in degrading federal judicial philosophical competence-perhaps its institutionally inherited to have a court with its mind on drugs. The President admitted heavy marijuana and cocaine use until whenever-college? So the intellectual paradigm for failing to comprehend fine legal and philosophical categories was set...all the marks look the same to me expresses the fried mind approach to law and crime of the prescient federal judiciary

To be consistent with the same-citizen approach to law-an approach of dubious value-the courts will need to return the nation to a fundamentalist conservative paradigm eliminating all of the unequal laws passed by congress that have recognized and created different categories and responses to citizens. States will all need to get rid of their constitutions if they have anything different from either the federal or another state constitution so the people are not discriminated against by unequal legal codes. Affirmative action laws benefiting one sex or race violate equal protection of citizens. Progressive taxation that victimizes the rich putting a higher tax rate upon some citizens than others must be cast aside. The Uniform Code of Military Justice that puts a different legal system on some Americans enslaved by the federal government with unfair contracts must be abandoned. Illegal aliens must have full rights to vote and run for political office as citizens in order to have equal legal protection as citizens. Criminals must be released from prisons where they can become the victims of crimes and be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fire departments that primary protect at public expense the property of the rich and upper middle class ecosphere exploiters must be erased from the shameful hall of historical discrimination against the poor so equal protection of the law can return with renormalization to America and Mexico.

Social security must be abolished because it treats the old different that other America citizens. Children are unfairly denied equal protection of the law to draw social security retirement benefits to pay for pre-school. The Federal highway lobby must be abolished because it denies equal protection to responsible citizens that don't own cars and attack the environment with global warming gases from auto exhaust. Airport construction support must stop because it discriminates against the poor whom have little use of those facilities. Tax and other benefits for marriage must stop as they discriminate against single citizens. Corporations cannot be legally regarded as individuals by the law anymore as at present because it dehumanizes and degrades humanity to an abstract entity and equal of a corporation.

Wealth cannot be concentrated because it allows unequal political power and abuse of natural resources. Public schools cannot exist because they discriminate against the inalienable right of ignorance and equal protection from indoctrination by others (cf. Pink Floyd Brick-in-the-Wall Decision). Building higher than two stories cannot be constructed because they unfairly block the view of grass-roots Americans. Buildings wider than twelve feet cannot be put up because they block equal freedom of motion of grass-roots Americans to walk-about. Anyone including illegal aliens will need to have an equal right to judge Americans or anyone else around the globe in double-Shari'a law secularized down and adapted fully to homo-perverting utility giving equal protection of the law within '1' code as the founders or framers intended. Medals giving by Congress including purple hearts must stop as they give unequal social recognition to some favored citizens over others. Purple unfairly discriminates against the six other primary colors besides not to mention black and white.
Though federal judges consistently suck on decision to overturn the traditional sanctity of marriage between a man and woman with it's particular biological-social foundation and corrupt the important-to-ordinary people criteria supporting security and inheritance, that's consistent with the power of wealth to gut anything that protects the rights of anyone from being available for sale and takeover by the rich and concentrated wealth. In Adam Smiths day aristocracy made the possibility of the bourgeois owning everything improbable-so far as to be beyond regard as a valid possibility. Today though capitalism has concentrated wealth and power so far beyond the social criteria of Smith's time that everything including real estate has a price on it. Without substantial areas including some private and public property that are never available for market disposal free enterprise and the security of citizens are co-opted by concentrated wealth-even globally. The consequence is that political and legal reason decays and the citizenry become enslaved to a plutonomy, oligarchy or dictatorship.

Perhaps the sole remedy for states let remaining marriages exist and abolish new ones. If marriage has outlasted its valid applications and is corrupted and adulterated beyond truth new forms of ensnaring citizens in binding legal contracts could be made by state's legislatures. State's; the laboratories of democracy, need to be as bold in finding new ways around challenges of federal corruption as the corrupt federal judiciary is in finding ways to make a mockery of marriage.

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