
Reading about Theo-Cosmology (video)

Voice-over Alaska images. An essay about eight and a half minutes on select aspects of cosmology and theology.

A 2016 Republican Ronald Reagan Look-Alike Contest?

Cargo cult politics can be an effective way to advance a given political agenda. Instead of developing new, creative ideas for reform to conserve the environment and bring a kind of equilibrium to the opportunities in prevailing apportionment of wealth to the masses, one just advances the last successful image through a series of debates to produce a winning clone with 30 year old ideas. Finding a suitably congenial Ronald Reagan look alike talent in primary contests and giving the winner an honorary law degree from Cape Giradeau Community College would be a good natural process for selecting a winning ticket-especially if the V.P. candidate is has no expansive popular base of support from diverse elements of the potential constituency.

Fundamentally I anticipate an exciting 2016 election cycle with no candidates able to spell ‘ecological economic’ yet with charisma, charm and dimples. Maybe even a bald candidate or two will toss his toupee into the ring and win a panda. Democrats may look for someone that looks like Bill Clinton yet practices 'safe-sex' and won't build up a global financial flim infrastructure that will collapse in a decade later. The next financial collapse is supposed to be like the real California earthquake looming out there.

Since the rice of gasoline may drop for a while this summer to 1960s era prices adjusted for inflation one would think the economy will expand with 400,000 new jobs per month, or maybe just 300,000, at least that is how things traditionally went went the economy of the United States was based on material production instead of financial service to comprise as much as 25% of the economy. In that sort of economy where material production is somewhat secondary and earnings arise from skimming a percent of that material production the direct relationship between cheaper energy isn’t as important of a factor in creating jobs locally.


The financial sector workers take huge salaries and bonuses at the top unrelated to performance sometimes yet the ordinary workers haven’t the production of a material commodity to bargain with and their salaries are somewhat related to how much the entire financial industry can skim from the material production sector even if it is overseas. For that matter it doesn’t matter where the material production occurs so long as the financial sector gets a share. With all of the large banks and corporate players investing in China and elsewhere and with so many people in the financial sector is seems challenging to stimulate a local national economy meaningfully. Stimulus has been going to the large banks and to Wall Street recently anyway-and their investment preference seems to be abroad. Creating jobs at Chipotle or McDonalds (I think Chipotle is some kind of Latin America fried chicken franchise or something) or putting on some extra workers at Wally World won’t necessarily create much of a real economic revitalization as so many continue to live on credit or government beneficences while the public debt piles up. Perhaps the skimming of money for the financial sector is counter-productive to building up material growth besides-even sustainable material growth with low-entropy economics.

This was the sort of thing I am thinking about the 2016 Presidential year and the politics of it. The candidates of each party seem incompetent and irrelevant yet who cares-maybe competent effective candidates relevant to the times are mythical figures anyway.


Transvestites Attack Fort Meade

Combat ready security guards at Maryland's Fort Meade defended the national No Such Agency headquarters from a vicious assault by transvestites around dawn. Transvestites sometimes attack just before dawn.

One 'man' was killed and another wounded. Heavy attack fuel-cocaine and booze, were found near the scene-probably not of N.S.A. issue leading one to infer it might have belonged to a person of interest.

Copious gunplay-what the associated press called a 'firefight' (though possibly no flames were visible at 9.a.m. with muzzle suppression)-lit up the post entrance for a time. Then business as usual resumed and one would expect janitors to arrive.


Seward’s Day Commemoration of Russia’s Sale of Alaska to U.S.A.

Today is Seward’s Day in Alaska. This is a state holiday giving thanks to Russia for celebrating the sale to the U.S.A. of Alaska with Secretary of State Seward signing the check for payment in full. Something like Thanksgiving where Americans celebrated first people’s providing of food stamps to the starving masses yearning to breathe free, Seward’s day celebrates Russia’s wise sale of Alaska to the U.S.A. so Britain would not get it through forcible expansion from Canada and attack Russia from the East as well as west in their effort to complete a global evil empire.

Alaskan do not celebrate the holiday with king salmon caviar and vodka of course; king salmon are empirically challenged to exist with the state’s fisheries management that has allowed degradation of the fishery, though one can blame high seas international over-fishing too. Still, the remaining King Salmon are runts their ancestors would sadden their ancestors with their bad fortune.


As irresponsible Arctic Sea oil and mineral exploration increases to accelerate global warming, pollution of precious oceanic fluids, habitat loss and endangerment of human life on Earth it is useful to remember that Washington D.C. is still the capital of Alaska too and they, like any corrupt federal politicians, lust after exploitation of the Arctic and confrontation with a weakened Russia as zombies for British proxy policy of expansion through other means. Yet D.C. left the Greeley expedition twisting slowly in 90 degrees of frost for years before sending a ship to rescue the survivors. In the comfortable pink mink-underwear corridors of political power it is only banking deposits that matter-and that is social reality.


Protection of Religious Freedom Worries Gays & Haters of Religion

The vociferous reaction to state's reaffirmation of religious freedom-an ancient, basic human right the founders recognized in creating one nation under God is rather surprising. It is verification of the fact that the homosexual expropriation of rational heterosexual marriage for-themselves has expanded into attacks on other human and civil rights and is a divisive rather than an inclusive movement.



The atheist new world order effort to destroy nationalism, traditional social structures and individual civil rights has a strong accomplice in the homosexual monomaniacs that couldn't possibly have imagined a non-confrontational, non-divisive way to bind themselves as homocouples with legal contracts.  Camouflaging themselves as women or blacks when male or non-black, every effort by traditionalists to conserve civil rights rationally seems a target for the gay war on religion and marriage as a reproductive couple structure. Families arise from those unions and the value to keep a family bloodline to offset an impersonal government or corporatist- even communist social organization domination is self-evident. In order for individuals to continue to have meaningful governance they cannot allow themselves to become packed like sardines into an amoral can of meaningless amoeba like existence.

Monergism in Bubble-Monad Surface Structures (poem)

That morning it was as if gravity drew mass downward
rushing toward singularities of dimensions
in an hourglass where it was transformed
being and becoming energy expanding space-time

Wrecked will membranes of monads
dimensions floating like bubbles
intersecting with networks of communicable diseases
built along edges of free-flowing streams
myriad mornings of spatial jets extruding time

Where twelve billion soup cans strung together
heavy metal shadows of Huns, Nazis, Tartars
labeling new beings of tomorrow
why you can never be in the same yesterday twice
not even now when bubbles float
upon dimensions with surface tension

Someone was an incarnate coordinate;
the discrete center mirror collector of light
images of space-time entangling forms
determined to move outside each field
in anticipation like caterpillars of spring

Membrane bubbles stitched together
with strings extruding into other dimensions
shooting pains in the back
of artificial intelligence
computation of recursive formula in being
twerk with loud power-
tangled banks of evolution's zero interest loans,
facades of world
conjunctions putting things together
cracked pots and excavations

Slower constructions of monergistic scaffolds silently
induct reason's planks at a time
grace informs the physical theorist
with uncertainty in quantum configuration-
observations of eternity of spirit-in-itself

Spheres' conic sections' line segments
curve tensors tightened with geodesic warp
selections from a solid state continuum
differentiated with being and nothingness
yesterday, today and tomorrow's temporal ekstasis
-scalar fields of gravitational attraction

Would they mind field determinism
when transcendent insight is pre-determined if existing at all?

Orchardists in an economy bloom
like point particles comprising pillars of salt
requiring returns for depositing

phenomenal wave captures of creation.


Alaska Air Worried About Drone Cargo Competition?

Alaska is a large rural state where the future of drone cargo aircraft looks bright. Does that emerging competition cause Alaska Air owners concern about losing Alaska cargo contracts?

The reason the issue arises is the recent talk about Alaska being bought out by Delta unless someone in the south-such as Seattle, wants to gamble on the future of drones versus human pilots and stewardesses to deliver cargo.

One would anticipate that trans-Pacific drone cargo flights will become routine between China and the U.S.A. within a couple of years and that trade may affect Alaska too making traditional airlines challenged in a number of venues.

The U.S. military probably will use drone cargo aircraft to resupply select overseas bases and stimulate the rise of drone fleets. It might be a good idea to send reduced-scale drone planetary missions to Mars and Europa to determine how well various human tech systems work in practice such as building aluminum geodesic domes.

When I looked for what was readily available on the Internet I found lots of 2014 articles yet few for 2015 except a miles page on Alaska Air that indicates Delta is a partner. That leads me to wonder if Delta already took over?



On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...