
Alaska Air Worried About Drone Cargo Competition?

Alaska is a large rural state where the future of drone cargo aircraft looks bright. Does that emerging competition cause Alaska Air owners concern about losing Alaska cargo contracts?

The reason the issue arises is the recent talk about Alaska being bought out by Delta unless someone in the south-such as Seattle, wants to gamble on the future of drones versus human pilots and stewardesses to deliver cargo.

One would anticipate that trans-Pacific drone cargo flights will become routine between China and the U.S.A. within a couple of years and that trade may affect Alaska too making traditional airlines challenged in a number of venues.

The U.S. military probably will use drone cargo aircraft to resupply select overseas bases and stimulate the rise of drone fleets. It might be a good idea to send reduced-scale drone planetary missions to Mars and Europa to determine how well various human tech systems work in practice such as building aluminum geodesic domes.

When I looked for what was readily available on the Internet I found lots of 2014 articles yet few for 2015 except a miles page on Alaska Air that indicates Delta is a partner. That leads me to wonder if Delta already took over?



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