
Hot Onomatopoeic Decimation of Decency in Obama/Nixoncare

Bureaucratic solutions to material issues may be dangerous to your health. Because the Obama administration with a Congressional majority for six years accomplished just three things-advancing queer marriage to subvert natural social health, permanent tax cuts for the rich, and forcing through the adaptive Nixon corporate health care plan (aka Obamacare) the nation’s economic situation became enswamped in the shadows of lender cornices of potential economic avalanches. The middle class has sought a way to pass the buck of health care costs to someone else.

Though summer 2015 may bring a couple of months with 300,000 minimum wage jobs created, that could be be like a false spring before the cascade of financial avalanche. An avalanche made of skyscraper of cards, foreign investments, public debt, concentrated wealth and environmental disaster. When the whip comes down from economic natural law the poor will lose health and dental care first while the middle class sympathizes with Hollywood smiles if at all.

When the Obama administration forced through national health care and tax cuts for the rich without balancing the Federal it was necessary to pay for the new program with increased federal debt and Treasury Department chicanery. Annual interest on public debt is approaching a trillion dollars.

The U.S. Federal Reserve was already buying up bad debt from the Federal Government that the administration got from big banks with bad derivatives and investing debt. Printing free loans to the Banks the banks could loan out 400% of those Federal gifts and buy up toxic home mortgages and stocks indirectly. Passing the buck results in two fundamental principles-the poor get comparatively poorer and government compiles more debt.

In Alaska- a state with fewer than a million people and a high average income, about 10 billion is spent each year on health care. With a state government revenue deficit of 3 billion dollars because of the drop in oil price per barrel Obamacare costs and the insurance mandate are creating problems. Like many middle class Americans that want a federal health cost subsidy greater than the cost of food stamps annually by several hundred percent Alaskans will seek to pass on the cost for health care to the Federal dent account so far as possible. Immediately though, cutting health care expenses for prisoners, the homeless and the poor would be prioritized because they have little political power. To cut health care costs for the incarcerated is the moral equivalent of torture-although without major organ failure it can’t be torture according to established U.S. Government policy (maybe nations that cane prisoners should just water-board them because that’s not torture?).

Very high quality health care is very expensive. Much of the health care that the poor, homeless and prisoners require is not. It would have been easy to expand the national V.A. hospital system to network with homeless clinics and the poor people’s clinics to provide services to the poor without involving the middle class at all and thus negate Obama-Nixon care.

It should also be possible to create a national clinic franchise co-op that provides a limited range of medical services to members that pay an annual membership fee with zero deductible. Private franchise treatment centers would provide the most common medical services required to members, and instead of buying normal medical service or skipping it altogether because of irregular or inadequate employment youth and the middle class would have a reasonably secure alternative to too expensive insurance. Youth should not be required to pay for Obamacare through buying insurance they don’t need to subsidize the middle class...even if those would be illegal alien youth made residents that could be taxed with Obamacare payments to corporate insurers.

President Obama innovated direct tax payments by citizens to private corporations with Obamacare yet did not fix the basic health cost issue; the increase in medical technology requires a physical rather than a bureaucratic remedy. A nation of paper pushers or keyboard data entryists tends to find paper or shuffling abstract dollar solutions instead of physical solutions to political challenges. If Nigers and Nigerians are morphological lexemes for black and blacks equiv to blanc and blancians for White and Whitians. It is easier for Federal bureaucrats to make the use of the word niger in the U.S.A. hate speech than to create full employment for black and white youth or explain why Niger is pronounced with a French accent these days yet not Nigeria.

When will the Mexican word 'Moo-hair' be added to the Federal lexicon of hate words with a crazed antonym of hate in transliteral, onomatopoeic reassignment? Plainly multilingualism enables hate speech for people of various languages using babelgabel words from others with homophones. Jap and Brit are terms of derision for enemies of antipathetic people when used hatefully in war or in presence of opfor political correctness minders. How long can it go on?

No one ever called the po-lease to complain about a cat meowing or about being attacked by a couple of cats or they would think he/she or it were a pussy. Likewise if a wild mule is serving to chase the wildcats out of the hen-house why slave it with a harness to the plow? How hateful can it be to expropriate medical services from physicians and nurses though they make more pay than ordinary Americans and make them slaves of corporations that would enslave Americans to buy insurance from-em?

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