
A Personal Library Recommendation- 'Body of Divinity'

Thomas Watson's 'Divinity' is a beautiful text for systematic theology. I think Watson's method does more and less than conform to; "Systematic theology focuses on a particular doctrine and demonstrates it from the text". Watson's expository writing uses copious Biblical citations, yet it isn't to propound a particular doctrine. Instead his purpose is simply to illuminate the gospel and the meaning of scripture Old and New Testaments. One could write a paper on Watson's Systematic Theology, yet it is a systematic theology a posteriori rather than by design or intention. I don't think that Watson intended too much to write a systematic theology at all. The hundreds of sermons on the Bible and what can be known/inferred of God just compiled as a sum-over-history of the main points of what may be an implicit theology of the Bible...if Theologian A writes his best theological abstract of the Bible, and theologian B and C...Z write their's, isn't there still an inherent Biblical theology that can be found and that all of the theologians are trying to encapsulate? Perhaps that would be comparable to dozens of dialects and accents of one language.

Watson's book was written about 400 years ago. It has a few physics concepts that are obsolete, yet that will happen to most of the physics ideas held now eventually. The word of God remains the same however.


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