
Pre-Trib Lemma of Misunderstanding the Kingdom of God/Jesus Christ

 Pre-tribs with the expectation of doom politically and environmentally doen't work for a better society enough. Jesus was successful at establishing the kingdom of God within his generation however. One expects God to be successful at accomplishing his purpose-to grow a majoritarian Christian society over time saving as many humans as possible, and I believe that was his purpose (although He must be amused at any human efforts to understand things teleologically speaking.
Pre-Tribuation means pre-chaos,pre- catastrophe,pre-oppression,pre-persecution,pre-doom generally. Of course a rapture spices up the stew of doom.
A lemma in morphology is the headword of a lexime- with the same root in various forms. Pre-tribulationism is the headword of a cascade of end times expectations that are in error except as people can make them so by neglecting to work on positive ventures and hope for the worst.
What I mean about God being successful is more of a theological point about the omnipotence of God-that is God cannot be anything besides successful than in association with particular historical demographics. Reading Watson's 'Divinity' presently points about grace and humility are well-taken. One should have humility in learning about eschatological insights that a majority have not. People were preponderantly in error about end-times opinions in regard to a tribulation for most of history since the third century A.D. 

Matthew 16:28 refers I think to the establishment of the kingdom of God-like Microsoft's rise after getting Gary Kildall's software-like an ion engine it can be a slow build and like the stock market have fluxes in numbers. Pre-tribs should not be regarded as being successful though wrong unless one wants to say that simply being Christian contributes to Christian evangelization and life generally even though a particular eschatological viewpoint is in error. Watson writes about providence and grace, and providence of God is provided for everyone good and bad,saved or not. The way God constructs history with pre-deterministic elements is a deep topic; issues for the Divine Tech Department rather than anything I might write here presently.

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