
Hillary's Hidden Email Coms;- The Historical Perspective

The 16th century theologian Thomas Watson understood the world well. In that contentious era of English history regicides and religious purges affected even his own status as a pastor. It is notable that human sin and the corruption of high offices have not really changed much-it's unjust that the organizational methods have been changed to exploit the innocent.

Hillary Clinton's hidden email accounts are the antinomy of open meetings and of public government for the people. It is the dark pool approach to government equivalent to those hidden speed-of-light Wall Street percentage shell games. It may have been in the Bradley Manning-Edward Snowden era yet is that an excuse for hiding government work deeply offline where it could be subcontracted to anyone willing to pay for the privilege?

Watson page 32-”The impartiality of those men of God who wrote the Scriptures, who do not spare to set down their own failings. What man that writes a history would black his own face, by recording those things of himself that might stain his reputation? Moses records his own impatience when he struck the rock, and tells us, he could not on that account enter into the land of promise. David relates his own adultery and bloodshed, which stands as a blot in his escutcheon to succeeding ages. Peter relates his own pusillanimity in denying Christ.

Jonah sets down his own passions, ‘I do well to be angry to the death.' Surely had their pen not been guided by God's own hand, they would never have written that which reflects dishonour upon themselves. Men usually rather hide their blemishes then publish them to the world; but the penmen of holy Scripture eclipse their own name; they take away all glory from themselves, and give the glory to God.”

The observation of Watson is quite true. Christian Apostles explained backstage rather than front stage behavior to the public. Over the course of history that tends to be not so, and is something that people tend to pick on still. One has a Jimmy Swaggart seeming as a chastising figure for sinful moral behavior in a corrupt society who then was revealed to have been visiting a prostitute in New Orleans. Christian pastors hiding immoral behavior that are enfiladed are trophies for the lost legions of Satan in the mass media era. How much disrespect have the Catholic Church's pedophile priests brought upon religion in America and Europe. Those sorts of leveraging monsters exist of course in all fields of social endeavor with hierarchical authority.. Bill Clinton as President had a student intern to fill his days yet the left apologized for that and Sweden awarded a Blobel a Nobel Prize that year. Sinful Christians in the ministry though are like embezzling accountants and notably reprehensible. That is another reason why a priesthood of believers is a better format, where the corrupt just don't have that higher position of power to lever or exploit the lesser-and the corrupt will migrate into positions of power naturally putting on the vestments of authority yet allegiant to personal egoism.

When Hillary Clinton was revealed to have hidden a private email account at home where she sent tens or hundreds of thousands of emails on official State Department business that back-room behavior wasn't surprising; the Democrat Party and sycophant media seems about ex officio racketeering and organizing crime ala' Lenin. That it was illegal or against State Department policy and a good example of how the corrupt keep their conspiracies and collusions, connivances and intrigues secret from the world so far as possible will be explained away until it seems like a public service to the mindless followers of public radio. Ms. Clinton may not have hidden a smoking gun-Vince Foster diary-until maturation date, yet she could have been working instructions from President Amadhdinijab or organizing a second Bolshevik evolution for all the people of the U.S.A. know. Did she act with select world leaders to implement an abominable new world order of homo marriage and wars across North Africa and Ukraine? Perhaps not rising to The Secret History (of Procopius) nevertheless in Hillary the public should not trust and that is the way it is-confirming Watson's remarks. Where can one find an honest politician that is competent in ecospheric economics and security while not allegiant to a devil?

Watson page 32-”The mighty power and efficacy that the Word has had upon the souls and consciences of men. It has changed their hearts. Some by reading Scripture have been turned into other men; they have been made holy and gracious. By reading other books the heart may be warmed, but by reading this book it is transformed. 2 Cor 3:3. ‘Ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God.'”

Watson page 32-”so when the seal of the Word leaves a heavenly print of grace upon the heart, there must needs be a power going along with that Word no less than divine. It has comforted their hearts. When Christians have sat by the rivers weeping, the Word has dropped as honey, and sweetly revived them. A Christian's chief comfort is drawn out of these wells of salvation. Rom 15:5. ‘That we through comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.' When a poor soul has been ready to faint, it has had nothing to comfort it but a Scripture cordial. When it has been sick, the Word has revived it. 2 Cor 4:17. ‘Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.' When
it has been deserted, the Word has dropped in the golden oil of joy. Lam 3:3I. ‘The Lord will not cast off for ever.' He may change his providence, not his purpose; he may have the look of an enemy, but he has the heart of a father. Thus the Word has a power in it to comfort the heart. Psa 119:90. ‘This is my comfort in mine affliction; for thy word has quickened me.' As the spirits are conveyed through the arteries of the body, so divine comforts are conveyed through the promises of the Word.”

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