
Israeli P.M. Recognizes Silliness of 2-State Final Solution-U.S. Admin Don't

Prime Minister Netanyahu's incisive comments on the problems of a two-state final solution presented a brilliant rhetorical competence in addressing uncomprehending Washington D.C. politicians with a fairy-tale atheist-scientific quackish agenda point of view about homosexual marriage and Middle East reality. Some people hate homosexual marriage and believe besides that its a fraud issue about a Union of Queers expropriating benefits for people that aren't hetero couples. Between marriage and divorce homos would just get benefits from the government for being queer basically.

Muslims are increasingly bloodthirsty in the Middle East and President Obama's policies have simply fanned the flames, cutting off of heads and killing of Christians. Christian ought to be relieved when he stands down in January 2017 to let someone that hasn't had a relative in office before take charge with new directions that provide support for Israeli security. The President's policies inflame Muslim hatred of the U.S.A. and their policies to redistribute economic and political power from straight males to females and queers won't help calm things either.

Plainly sin is a disease that affects people in government. There never has been a Christian nation that did not eventually equilibrate the status of women faster than non-Christian nations. Christian ethics simply are not those of a macho social order. Yet American women with their privileged liberated status insist on forcing social redistribution of rights within a Darwinian social environment without any cultural tradition of Christianity to evolve those moderated sexual ethics. In fact American women in politics tend to abandon Christianity while exploiting the social equality that Christian ethics built. The result therefore is global efforts to compel a sexual economic revolution upon a world that hasn't the privilege and that competes tightly for security and power within an insecure social environment with innumerable internal and external security threats including revolution.

Obviously the United States has had crude Iran policy for some time yet the record on Iraq and Syria isn't  better. U.S. clumsiness on policy has led to a civil conflict in Ukraine among peoples that had lived as one for much of the past thousand years. That was quite an accomplishment as the Eastern establishment sought more Reds to overcome.

Abraham had several wives. When he died he had three groups of sons and he sent them in different directions giving his favorite son Isaac the inheritance of the land where Israel is today. Ishmael son of Hagar he sent to the west. Ishmael had 12 sons that became ancestors of twelve tribes of what are today Muslims. Isaac of course became a Jew and father of Jacob-renamed Israel by God, and were ancestors of twelve tribes. A wife of Abraham named Keturah had many sons-one of whom was named Midian-these sons Abraham sent their own way too.


One group became Arabs and Muslims eventually, another group became Jews through Isaac and the rest could be considered to represent everyone else. Eventually the covenant with Abraham through Isaac and his son Jacob-Israel will bring the entire world to inherit the kingdom of God through the Lord Jesus. Adam was given a garden, Abraham was given a nation and the Lord given the world.

In the meantime the way of the Lord is advancing-even since the protoevangelium in the garden of Eden where God said that the descent of Eve would bring enmity and crush the head of the serpent. That serpent is the devil. Jesus Christ crushed him at Calvary though the slithery creature is still biting heels and will do so while the Kingdom of God advances and even bloodthirsty Muslim head-choppers or their decedents find their way to the Lord.

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