
Microphone Aggression Stimulates Conflict, Corruption and Social Unrest

When Hutu broadcasters stimulated impulsive genocide against Tutsi tribes persons in Rwanda in 1994 they were continuing a policy of microphone aggression against group and individual others-as themselves developed by Mussolini-a micro-aggressor inventor before the Second World War as a radio talk broadcaster designer of fascism. New lexical innovations for microphone aggression proceeded over the decades even unto subjective rave demotic with discrete reflections of micro-aggressive use-truths from myriad mouths. Media's massively corrupt communications let ignorant elites broadcast a dominant, non-representative opinion as a populist opinion attracting thoughtless followers toward doom.

Social determinism by the rich implicitly opposes democracy and strengths of democracy such as arise with the competition of ideas to best determine social political policy through advice and election consent. Because micro-aggression is fundamentally sponsored by the rich-except for Pravda-like musical doper-homo partisans of all things micro-soft through power of micro-aggressive National Public Radio, the alcoholic style big-headed usurpation of democracy by elites able to preempt actual independent political formation in the states is nearly complete. Micro-aggressors that should be replaced by a better, modern allocation of broadcast wavelengths to individual local citizens in time slice shares to express citizen points of view instead of that of serialized micro-aggressor 'journalist' dogs having their day dominating airwaves.

Bloggers provide a written record and plain words that may be understood by any interested individual. Unlike the top-dog power on stilts of microphone aggressors socially contributing massive quantities of metaphorical dog turds to the world, bloggers cannot dump their product to the masses. Blogs are rather hard to locate-there are millions and millions of them with vague alpha-numeric addresses that readers must work to find. Blogs prosper in numbers through quality competition yet even Internet blogging may go to those able to afford search engine optimization for preferred listing. The wealthy and sycophants of the wealthy have a vast left and right wing advantage in the Internet as well as the broadcast realm, though in the broadcast realm ordinary opinion is non-existent. Only the swell pros and the corrupt program designers (such as the Lenin like leaders of N.P.R.) develop suitable brainwashing content to dump in the path of potential listeners and those that have already lost critical, independent, undoped reason.

In order to dominate a polity it is useful to own a powerful and non-democratic broadcast media where micro-aggression is the rule rather than the exception. That situation enables another support for the horseshoe toss social control of society dedicated to the proposition that all wealth should be concentrated to networks controlled by the largest shareholding global investors. Bling, dope and a micro-queer social environment for the masses have become enforced with microphone aggression defining dissent as hate speech to be ruthlessly financially suppressed.

-a note on why concentrating wealth is dangerous

In 1935 if an average American earned 1 dollar a day while a rich American earned $10 that isn't too bad. A rich man could say that with his greater wealth he created jobs that employed the poor. He could say that's how capitalism works. O.K. The poor can vote to change things if he don't like them.

So in 1980 an average American earns 10 dollars a day (these are just representative values) while a rich American earns $300, the difference between rich and poor have increased yet the poor can still vote to change things if he don't like-em, maybe.

In 2020 an average American earns 9 dollars a day after adjustment for inflation while a rich American earns $30,000 compounding annually with interest from his banks and zero interest loans issued from the Federal Reserve so he can loan out $5 for every 1 dollar loaned from the Federal Reserve so he can keep the four dollars he mints from the dollar deposited plus interest on the four dollars. The bad investment debts of the rich American are bought up by the U.S. Government and taken by the Federal Reserve with quantitative easing.

If the poor and middle class don't like that policy or the gap between the rich and poor they can suck. The Government and business elites have made homosexual marriage the law in all 50 states. Money is the equivalent of political power. Elites advise; smoke some legal dope-and fuggetaboutit.

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