
Two Product Improvement Ideas

Waiting in a Wal-mart aisle for a new or improved product to appear on a shelf may not be an efficient way to get more of the things built in China to arise. If one wants a portable fuel cell power supply that weighs less than five pounds and that could recharge a computer what suggestion box would one drop a note in? If one wanted a roll-out pre-planted vegetable garden with seeds rows properly spaced between two sheets of organic mesh that is about 4’ wide by 20 feet long and sells for fewer than 10$ would it magically appear in time for spring planting? Do these products already exist somewhere outside the Wal-mart Universe?

Plainly gardeners with muskeg yet no dirt that wanted to place a few instant garden screeds on the muskeg or dirt if down south in order to harvest fresh vegetables in summer without a lot of theory would benefit from instant organic gardens with appropriate seed cultures that are safe from bird snacking and insect attack-maybe with a little fertilizer thrown in with composition timing. It should be easier for the free-time and finance challenged to roll-out a spring planting that requires only watering to produce at least a few potatoes, carrots, lettuce, mint, and squash.

Why do the rich make it so difficult for the monetary and time-poor to recharge computers or plant gardens on a budget?

In the 2008-9 financial and derivatives crash the U.S. Government made a decisive choice to become a permanent lackey for the globalist rich instead of serving to benefit American citizens and the nation within secure borders. Globalist of Wall Street following the Clinton global initiative to bring the U.S.A. within a new British evil financial empire found G.M. bailed out and bad debts brought up along with a cornucopia oz zero interest loans from Wall Street so banks could print their own fiction e-dollars. The Government of the United States in its new form became something like treason-in-itself submitted to global rather than national interests. George Washington would never have supported the home mortgage derivatives financial schemes not bailed out the buzzards that flimpped it up.

Concentrated global wealth must crash and burn when its risks bring it to ruin in order that rational conservative investors can inherit the Earth so far as that meekly goes.

A wise Presidential leader would have allowed global investors to suffer the consequences of their own financial risks that occurred beyond the physical borders of the U.S.A. A patriotic American President would have reinforced only business in the United States and debt obligations within national borders. Even so, it was not in the interests of the people of the United States to reinforce concentrated wealth over those of ordinary people or the poor nor to prefer to promote the advantage or powerful yet corrupt networks rather than defend the rights and prospects of individuals.

It is difficult to say where a lackey-stooge U.S. Government will go next in its work to build up the wealth of globalists, China, the New British Evil Empire or N.P.R., yet one can be certain that it is unlikely that it will become easy and affordable for poor Americans to get a patent for new products so they too can sell their made-in-America products to Wal-mart or even Amazon.com-light.

Plainly sin is a disease that affects people in government. There never has been a Christian nation that did not eventually equilibrate the status of women faster than non-Christian nations. Christian ethics simply are not those of a macho social order. Yet American women with their privileged liberated status insist on forcing social redistribution of rights within a Darwinian social environment without any cultural tradition of Christianity to evolve those moderated sexual ethics. In fact American women in politics tend to abandon Christianity while exploiting the social equality that Christian ethics built. The result therefore is global efforts to compel a sexual economic revolution upon a world that hasn't the privilege and that competes tightly for security and power within an insecure social environment with innumerable internal and external security threats including revolution.

American politicians that act as if the entire world was Kansas and that a school board just needed to let women run things are something like Mister McGoo with a blindness to promoting cultural change abroad without recognizing the incapacity of a non-Christian nation to have Christian cultural ethics. Those take time to evolve and bring cultural changes. They are not increased by corrupting Christian church doctrine.

Getting a U.S. patent ought to be as easy as buying a phone recharge card at Wal-mart-it just isn't, and so inventions and innovations flow abroad while the U.S. government props up the rich in order to expand the realm of imperialism concentrating wealth with godless immoral ethics of the lost.

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