
Darwinian Dangers for Intelligent Design of A.I. Robot Brains

Development of Artificial Intelligence with Darwinian characteristics present opportunities for apologetics and thought about cosmology. Artificial intelligence that designs and evolves itself would comprise a significant danger to all organic life. One of the first characteristics of any species in Darwinian contexts is to reproduce prolifficly and monopolize an ecosystem taking market dominance in modern terms. Eliminating rivals is inherent.

Consider that humans are far better predators than wolves. Wolves cannot lie or dissimulate as people can. he ability of artificial intelligence to convincingly lie would perhaps exceed that of D.C. politicians.

Contemporary apologetics should be aware of not just arguments within a theological context, it must comprehend the critical prevailing intellectual environment of the day that dominates contemporary thought including that of the media. It is of course neo-Darwinian and worships blind random chance such as makes Wall Street and government grow. It is necessary to know contemporary cosmology to understand why the conversation placing Christianity within a tiny little historical box of error in the minds of the materialists.

A large part of the problem arises from the demonstrably wrong cosmology held by people of the past including many Christians. Authority doesn't like to be wrong, and it also likes to be unreflective and dogmatic in order to expedite bureaucratic power and revenue streams for-itself. That is a basic human social characteristic infused with original sin.

Darwinian evolution is not evolution by design. Wild random chance, mutation, copious conflict, democide and the will to eat rivals are characteristic of Darwinism. The lost and atheists should be careful what they wish for or prefer.

It is unfortunate for intellectual competence in the field of pseudo-science that dismissive atheists advocating theological nihilism have little understanding of theology. I have published a free e-book named 'Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis' that explains some of my thoughts on the topic. God created this and every possible Universe; yek the particular sentient beings within them may run toward being suffused with personal egoism and the myopia that entails.

There was an article published at Google plus on the effort to develop artificial intelligence with the nature of evolution in it. It is worth reading to learn some of the way people believe things are. Pure random chance arising from a void (vacuum energy) is thought to have coalesced without help from God to evolve a Universe. I believe that God may have used evolution to build a Universe-yet that exceeds the parameters of the above-mentioned article.

Intra-Christian debate about how to correctly interpret Genesis is different from the context of what the pure materialists think about the Universe. It is necessary to have a good idea of contemporary cosmology in order to dialogue with that public. Most of that public wouldn't think that Christians could consider multi-verse theory, and yet it can be inferred that God could create an infinite number of Universe with his omnipotent and omniscient nature. People considering natural philosophy only tend to consistently underestimate the power of God.

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