N.P.R. 's the adventure begins in another civil war observations fail to account for why it is preferable to reinforce royal aristocracy in Iran or the Arabian Peninsula or a Caliphate in Syria instead of Democratic Shi'ite governance so far as possible-since the Sunni are intolerant of Shia mosques when in power requiring immoral apartheid in the Wahhabist tool kit if not head-choppings. Why is it still a state secret of N.I.M.H. level social disadvantaged with hyper-crap hits the remfan reproof for what N.P.R. calls 'mental illness' as a kind of did-you-beat-your-wife again? phrasing where an individual's mind itself is disqualified from existing in the lofty peer realm of N.P.R. staff and millionaire refurbishers of jet aircraft? Nothing can be done to refurbish the lost Allegheny jet, or is that Allemagne?
Plainly discrimination continues in the United States and Europe against neurologically challenged people. While bad political behavior is excusable if it kills millions at a high enough level what is pejoratively called mental illness is a label sufficient to doom and individual to all of the mass force of institutional bias. Mitt Romney said 49 million Americans won't work, a Detroiter said Mitt Romney sucks bad, yet Mitt Romney put his dog above his family on the family car, and for that he suffered defeat. Nothing like that unfair discrimination should happen to Germans or Americans again.
In a more advanced society with sober understanding of neurological challenges it may be practical to pursue resolution of subjective mental challenges that would lead an individual to seek medical help for relief. Presently though it is regarded as necessary to suppress neuro-psychological challenges from the purview of bureaucratic powers where the force of doom arises and is broadcast in order to advance the career power of the little Stalins with broadcast tower ambitions. It should be possible to avoid the bureaucratic wickedness of careerists seeking caste-quality social advantage over those that seek neuro-psychological medical help while treating those individuals, and to keep a caste system from forming whereby institutional power over the 49% of the populous of the United States qualifying for a mental illness label become potential career item delicacies for N.P.R. on the Arabian Peninsula or Syria, Turkey. Pilots need to be able to fly and still be medically monitored. The Thomas Eagletons of the skies should not be forced to commit crash and burn.
A manic-depressive pilot might be safe on her meds yet a N.I.M.I. mousey manic-depressive pilot poses a greater risk of wild unapparent mood swinging worse than Halley's Comet going far beyond normal inner solar system trajectories and loops or even barrel rolls with wing wagging at Earth. Concealing such maladies because of fear of voodoo psychiatry errors in neuropsychological ops or of instant disqualification from job and earnings are problems that are avoidable with a little epimethean forethought and social adjustment.
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