
Private E-Mail to Replace Government Accounts in Government ala' Hillary at State?

One must wonder in light of the revelation that Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State had a private email account to conduct state department business at home why people bother politicians about such things at all? Do the people or the media expect politicians to talk with their Swiss bankers about secret accounts or deposit verification, or talk with foreign suppliers or sex partners on the public dime?

Imagine if Bill Clinton while President had needed to have the public looking into his private communications with swank affairs or secret deals to do what Al Gore called 'making sausage' or if Dick Chaney had to find some way without secret communications to arrange no-bid contracts to Halliburton and other suppliers.

 Hillary Clinton does not of course supports Kant's Categorical Imperative for moral law-where everything that one advocates for a law should work for everyone categorically on a universal level. The reason for the dissent is that while it may be valuable for a particular to break the law, if the law were broken universally it would be no law. Politicians often think of themselves as exceptions to the rule of law-even while they are law enforcement officials-its just the nature of the animal.


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