
Coach Belichicks to Seahawks for Interim Coach?

 Seahawks could hire Belichick for interim coach. No need to hurry. A two year contract would work while looking for a fashionable and politically proper gal to helm the ship.

The Seahawks have a chance to draft a quality quarterback at 15, and could take McCarthy or Penix. If they are gone they can draft the second best offensive interior lineman in the first round and a quality QB in the second. EZ breezy.

Belichick might be motivated to win a Superbowl with another team in the way Brady won with another team. No coach has ever won a Superbowl with two teams; the closest anyone has got was a win and a loss with two teams- Andy Reid and Dan Reeves.

Like the Seahawks were before hiring Coach Carrol-just drop in a QB and ready to roll, today's Hawks may be ready to roll with a new QB too.

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