
U.S. Media Propaganda Subverts U.S. Security

 Media propaganda concerning Russian leadership's desire to retake Alaska and negate the 1867 sale to the United States continues. Since the story originally was an invention of a Ukrainian affiliated with the government of Ukraine it is especially irritating. Russia is not seeking to open a two-front war with the west; Putin is not Hitler. Biden's prosecution of an unnecessary war instead of seeking peace is more like an Hitler action.

Using Alaska as a pawn in the Biden administration's war with Russia because it's unwilling to recognize and share Russian historical claims in Ukraine sucks. The administration and its media shills should leave Alaska out of the equation and tools it uses to throw accelerant on war globally.

If the hostility relations the Biden administration has built up with Russia advances to the nuclear level I would prefer that Alaska not be one of the targets as a result of Biden administration media mouthpieces build up a scenario with false narratives provided by Ukraine.


https://intellinews.com/zelenskiy-signs-decree-claiming-half-a-dozen-russian-regions-arehistorically-ukrainian-lands-308948/ quote from the article on the source of fake news follows...

"On the same day a social media post on X by the Ukrainian user Igor Sushko claimed that Putin declared the 1867 sale of Alaska was illegal: “Putin signed an order insinuating the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 was illegitimate. This mofo is trolling the West and our leaders shake in their boots in response."

The post included an apparent copy of the signed decree, however, it appears that the decree was faked and the claim is based on article published by essanews.com on January 21, 2024, with the title "Putin stokes tensions with the US, declares 1867 sale of Alaska 'illegal.'""

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