
President Putin Didn't Declare 1867 Sale of Alaska 'Illegitimate'-Fake Ukrainian News

 Declaring the Russian colonial era sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 "illegitimate", the logical assumption is that President Putin meant that Russia didn't actually own Alaska and was instead a usurper of pre-existing Alaska native ownership of what is presently a U.S. state. Snopes said the statement was bogus, but the U.S. State Department replied anyway thus giving support and credibility to fake news.

That support for aboriginal rights would have some resonance in the U.N. where various native peoples around the global have long-standing complaints about colonial conquests that went against them. Some are for Jewish aboriginal rights in Israel, others for Russian rights in Ukraine, and still others for Palestinian rights as sea peoples in Crete and Gaza. Luckily there presently aren't any known lunar aboriginal peoples- except maybe Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

If Alaska does disintegrate eventually it probably will renounce its share of the 33 trillion dollar public debt that should reach 40 trillion by the year 2029. The Aleutians could become independent as well as S.E. Alaska, The Copper River drainage, the North Slope and three interior nations. They could contract out defense with various militant nations selling defense services in exchange for some real estate in the nations of the former state of Alaska that will in time become a refuge from the incinerator of global warming rising in presently temperate nations.

President Putin will need to rebuild whatever portions of Ukraine he can recover for Russian patrimony. Russian ownership of much of Ukraine wasn't ever the result of colonialism as much as nativist reconquista.

The fake news apparently originated with a Ukrainian seeking to sew problems for the United States in order to get more military support from Democrats and fellow travelers in the U.S. Congress; "a social media post on X by the Ukrainian user Igor Sushko claimed that Putin declared the 1867 sale of Alaska was illegal: “Putin signed an order insinuating the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 was illegitimate. This mofo is trolling the West and our leaders shake in their boots in response."

President Zelensky also declared several areas of the Russian Federation historically Ukrainian thus setting out an expanded war platform for Democrats to lust over.




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