
Will Africa be the Pot of Gold for Illegal Migrants Seeking the American Dream?

It just an idea suggested by the recent actions of the U.K. to relocate illegal migrants to the U.K. to Africa. The United States has a backlog of more than three million souls claiming political asylum in the United States and the federal government has turned them loose in a catch and release policy. There are millions more migrants here illegally that haven’t claimed political asylum. Since the government cannot deal with the problem with competence perhaps it could consider relocating detainees to some safe neutral nation until their court date arrives in a few years.


Plainly the special asylum seeking quasi-legal-illegal category is challenging for Democrats to address with a measure of intellect and competence. Rather than make them temporary legal guest workers and hand a victory to hundreds of thousands or millions of bogus claims it might be better to relocate them to some nation that could use the income of sheltering a few million should in refugee camps with good security and facilities.

It is useful to have order in a nation and not undermine the efforts of legal residents to improve the quality f their lives by dumping millions of workers and resource users that had not the consent of the people of the United States through their elected representatives to arrive here. In the United States the economy is stratifying between the 1% and everyone else. Though a reasonable standard of living is common there are many that don’t own a home these days. Wealth is concentrating. Presently the distribution of wealth is beginning to resemble that of a caste system. Flooding the nation with badly educated foreign workers with dubious legal status is a way to break down traditional America and the Middle class so it is more like that of India or Mexico. Perhaps Wal-mart shifted its door entrances to the left from the traditional right in order to help condition American shoppers to political ineffectiveness and prole status as if they were living in an updated Orwellian society. Could Namibia or South Sudan be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for illegal aliens pursuing the American dream?

It is important that every human being on Earth has opportunity for a good life. That can only occur with order since the wild is no longer capable of providing a bountiful larder for eight billion people. The world political economy need change one an ecologically sustainable format, and civil stability need be the rule rather than exception.

A foreign diplomat was quoted recently in reply to a question asking him about the future of the United States. He said; “The U.S.A. is a fat buffalo trying to get a nap while a lot of hungry wolves are approaching.” Plainly he was trying to elicit military support for the European/N.A.T.O. was on Russia in Ukraine in the effort to exploit the west’s military advantage over Russia to benefit Western Europe. Europeans would like to seem like the victims of Russian aggression and expect the United States to be the military bully to provide advanced weapons to allow Ukraine to defrappe Russia’s efforts to recover some of the historically Russian land lost in the Bill Clinton era when Russia was basically helpless.

Yet the United States is largely divided between those seeking to make America a part of a global caste system ruled by the 1% with the masses being peons, serfs or communard proles living in a kind of open air prison/lunatic asylum happy with dope and slopped with jobs that allow payments on new cars and homes they don’t own until a new economic shock makes them lose everything they own to the 1% holding mortgages, and those that prefer a little civil order that isn’t ephemeral and disappears like morning dew.


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