
Euthyphro Rewritten- Socrates and Euthyphro Dialogue about Troubles

 Dramatis Persona;



S- Good day Euthyphro; how goes it bud?

E- Fine my friend. So you are out of jail again?

S-Indeed Euthyphro, the charge of hate speech won’t stick. It was just petty calumny by establishment insiders throwing shade. What about yourself? I hear you have a day in court ahead?

E-Quite so Socrates. It’s payback time for my old man. He murdered one of our slaves so I have charged him with that capital offense.

S-No, that can’t be; he is you blood.

E-Makes no difference Socco; he did the deed and need pay the piper.

S-Yes Euthy- the piper must be paid. How did this crime occur?

E-My drunken da thought the slave was a killer and chained him to the gallows while he went to ask the prophetic oracle of ChatAI what the right moral action is; should he ang the lout or just keelhaul him beneath the largest trireme in the Athenian fleet. While da was on his mission to talk with the oracle of ChatAI the slave died from hypothermia overnight in the snow. That was a cold blooded murder by da I say.

S- Yes, piety need be pursued to the logical spring of truth. Are you confident your decision to have your Da punished for not attending to the well being of the slave is just and pious?

E-Same difference Socco.

S-What is justice and piety Euthy?

E-It’s what is fair and just, and God loves it.

S-I see; God loves it because it is pious or it is pious and just because God loves it?

E- Were you smoking crack in gaol Socco? Those seem like pretty fine hairs to split.

S- Indeed the Spartan in gaol had some fine green yet I did not inhale for I have been charged by Miletus, a youngster with a scraggly beard and a hooked nose, with corrupting youth and inventing false gods of science for the masses to worship with legal dope and free brothels for everyone.

E-None of that is true, plainly.


E. Now what is justice?

S-You don’t know Euthy?

E-Just saying, if you remember, because crack makes you forgetful, or is that age? Never mind; piety is doing the will of God in all things because God is good.

S- Is God good because he is God, or God because he is good?

E- God is a great mathematician that built the Universe with math. Everything is a triangle or a portion of something like that; strings, quarks, gluons; you know; a math Universe.

S-So sin is to provide wrong answers to questions involving the underlying order of the Universe?

E-Certainly. Would you like me to be your instructor?

S-Yes Euthy, I will be your disciple for you have the wisdom of youth.

E-Modestly speaking Socrates, I post at Facebook and Iinstagram a lot. People wait to watch me post at Tik Tok sides.

S-Excellent! I can tell the court that I was misinformed about dope, brothels, abortion, illegal entry to Athens, hate speech and sundry items that I supported and that may have corrupted youth. I will say that now that I am your disciple I attend to the strait and narrow path of proper mathematics underlying the constructions and order of this Universe or any other with reasonable quarks, scintillations of excited forms and virtual energy emerging from fields such as the Higgs that are pervasive though sometimes imperfect copies of forms in the mind of God.

E- Yes Socco; I can see that I have corrected you in part already; for you must know that morality simply means conforming to the will of God and the order of the Universe he has constructed of real, irrational and rational numbers with righteous gage theory, Abelian algebra, Lie groups, Eigenfunctions, Differential equations, Hilbert Space with machine language content quantum computed etc. The underlying order of the Universe may be interpreted as natural law sentient beings need comply with to avoid being folded, spindled and mutilated through time, or in the beyond. Willful sin and impiety means being odd when evenness is required for passage through innate filters of structured order.

S- Do you take American Express Euthy?

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