
The Expensive, Unnecessary Ukraine War of Biden-McConnel Axis of Hawkery

 Though the tide has turned on the Democrat effort to build up war in Ukraine with U.S. finance the old pair of hawks continue to search and destroy prospects for peace. Peace is a far better investment than war.

Taking an on-line course on Magna Carta one learns why King John signed the document to start with; he had invested in foreign wars that went badly and levered his own nation to pay for mercenaries and other military personnel. The people were tired of political losers costing them at home and abroad.

For nearly a century after Magna Carta modifications and reforms were needed to reign in the power of the King. President Biden like King John is perpetrating foreign wars that are harmful to national interests- peace should have been sought with Russia and Ukraine shared between Russia and the Western financed government. Good business should have flowed across Eurasia and the ecosphere repaired with Russia in the midst of it all.

Just since January 2022 the Congress has passed four bills giving Ukraine 113 billion dollars of assistance. estimates of the cost of rebuilding Ukraine range to half a trillion dollars and the Biden administration will be quickly to lever the public for the funds. Cost of removing rubble is estimated to be 4 billion dollars. I know a few U.S. cities that could use some of the money spent for that unnecessary foreign war. 


 The Biden-McConnell axis may have given the jitters for the prospect of the end of the world even to Mark Zuckerberg who has built a 100 million dollars survival compound with a secret bunker deep below his thousands of acres Hawaiian estate.


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