
The Moral Chaos of Fallout from Magna Carta and British Education of Bill Clinton

 Since Bill Clinton brought Britain and the knighthood states to the country in 1992 the Democrat Party has evolved a hard turn to the left; the moral left with decadence, homosexuality, legal dope, and flooding the nation with illegal migrants in order to render it fit for empire. Bill Clinton attended Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar and was captured for the Queen to Use. England is a country without a written constitution, and the law of the nation is in the living hands of rulers in parliament. That makes the law more variable, informal and susceptible to change to accord with currents sentiments. It is not some kind of a rights of man paradigm. Neither is it a sort of 'we hold these truths to be self evident' situation. With British influence the laws of the United States as written in the constitution are becoming obsolete, as one historian commented, and evolving a replacement to something more malleable and subject to the direct will of the Democratic party and various global interests.


It is interesting moving through a course on Magna Carta. The United States constituted a government with something like a founding charter that had 500 years to improve over English ideas concerning political writes that could be written down. Magna Carta captured an agreement between king John and a group of Barons that were threatening to revolt. Because the King had weakened the nation with land battle losses in Europe and piled up much debt he was compelled to agree to certain rights for the Barons. It was not a document concerning ordinary people as if they were peers...they were not.

One of the main points is that the original Magna Carta became rather more symbolic than functional over time though it did inspire lots of books for political movements of liberalism (power to the people rather than royalty) and the Nobles' Parliament with a House of Lords and House of Commons descended from the original Magna Carta with the King losing most power over the centuries. It is the dynamic change of English ruling power that flows downward or outward from Parliament that is such a corrosive influence upon American democracy with quaint notions of constitutional law. Since Bill Clinton became President the Democrat Party has done everything to take absolute power as if they were in a Parliamentary circumstance rather than a constitutional democracy. They bend every law, every congressional restraint so far as possible because the written word is not nearly as important as the verbal and social ability to bend, break or disregard the written word if it's inconvenient to furthering their party's agenda.

In the meanwhile Republicans were mostly interested in just making money.

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