
On the Notion that Plato Influenced Christianity

 There were several philosophers before Socrates and Plato that wrote about the Logos and God. People like Thales, Heraclitus and Parmenides, Anaximander and Anaxemenes all presented fascinating ideas concerning being, change, nature, God and substance. Some Christians were influenced by Plato, yet one knows that people like the disciple Mark were unsophisticated in philosophy and that the Q document, or Quelle/source mostly just relates the life the Jesus Christ and His work as God in saving mankind, or at least those with faith, from the inevitable destination of eternal hell. Parmenides presents a paradigm almost as a precursor of Sartre, a loquacious Sartre unafraid explain a logic for his ontology, of being and the necessity of being and impossibility of nothingness. In that paradigm Jesus Christ being God himself, as one of the Trinity, delivers the faithful to a good place in being while the lost find their way to hell- a bad place. Interestingly physicists have speculated that below absolute zero the temperature may be infinitely hot. Some later theologians like Augustine were influenced by Plato, or properly Plotinus, for he was a Plotinian before becoming converted to Christianity.

The gospel is simply narratives by disciples and the Apostle/Doctor Luke from personal and first hand sources. The letters of Paul are by an author who was a Rabbi in training and a student of Gamaliel or Schlemeil and steeped in the torah yet not so much a reader of Plato or Peripatetic philosophers which he could have read as readily as those of the Academy if he were so disposed.

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