Showing posts with label contemporary histor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contemporary histor. Show all posts


Propping Up Ukraine Costs U.S. $75 Billion a Year

 At some point seventy-five billion dollars becomes real money. Because the Democrat Party refuses to acknowledge Russia's historical ownership of Ukraine and share the eastern half with Russia through negotiations it has taken the course of war to have it all for the European Community. Meanwhile Russia's FIDE chess organization has quit Europe and is joining the Asian confederation. Needless to say the cold war mentality of the Democrat Party is an ossified-brain mindset that requires Russia to be an enemy instead of a neutral to positive ally with the steep cost associated with that.

If things actually went well for Democrat Party objectives in Russia and the Russian military was pushed out of all areas recognized by Democrats as western property and an armistice was declared like that ending the First World War it is probable that the status would be like that in 1918 when the foundation for World War Two was laid. At the very least a long term enmity with a perennial Russian adversary requiring U.S. defense spending and possibly military garrisons in Ukraine would arise with Russia and China becoming more integral militarily speaking concerning defense at the Von Biden line demilitarized zone. Europe would have its own Korean war never-ending situation starting in a far more technologically dangerous era.

 Democrats have a what me worry disposition toward the conflict since it is not on the woke agenda that is largely a Democrat Party support strategem. Woke is the post-rainbow era homosexual vanguard for integral Democrat Party support that hates hate and is just pro-love love without wars or caused by people with traditional values and morality. Woke may be inspired by Frederick Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil. Democrat leaders may regard themselves as being beyond good and evil paradigmata of traditional moral norms.


To Draft Richardson or SignCarr is the Question

 Trading away Russell Wilson to the Denver Broncos provided the Seattle Seahawks with a few opportune choices to build their future. In ten days Derek Carr of the Vegas Raiders will become a free agent. He has more come from behind wins than any other QB playing today, possibly because the Raiders often weren’t well positioned to win a game the past several seasons. The Raiders, like the Jets when Geno Smith played there, were not a very good team. If Seattle signs Carr for a couple of years they may advance farther into the playoffs.

Yet the Seahawks have two first round draft choices in April and should be able to pick a franchise quarterback. Three qbs are available that appear to be outstanding prospects and Anthony Richardson is most likely to be available at number five and twenty. Richardson would need to learn the position for a couple of years from the bench since he is just 18 years and was a college freshman. A very talented though untrained and unseasoned draft prospect. Smith or Carr could start for two or three season while Richardson learned the pro style.

The Broncos absorbed Russell Wilson's vast contract freeing up cash for signing prospects for the Seahawks. The Broncos also signed a real coach today; the tough guy Sean Payton, so they may be spending more too having discovered the futility of not having a proven winner arranging things.

Gambling on quarterback prospects has worked out badly for several teams picking one with their first round choice. Drafting the second best edge rusher in the nation is a more conservative choice that can pay off and isn't likely to fail. So the Seahawks may draft an edge rusher with pick five in the draft and hope Richardson is still available when pick twenty rolls around. Coach Carroll seems to be a one with a good eye for picking QBs and knowing when to release them.

Plainly drafting a quarterback with a team's first round pick also pays off. Mahomes was the first round pick of the Chiefs in 2017 at number ten. Burrows was picked by the Bengals in 2020 at number one. On the other hand, Jalen Hurts was draft by the Eagles in the second round at number twenty-one.

If the Seahawks can sign Carr maybe they change their draft priorities, and perhaps not; Richardson is 18 while Carr 31 and Smith is 32. Having a fellow who might be the number one quarterback selected in the draft if he remained in college through 2024 on the Seahawks bench is a rare opportunity for a time that isn't likely to have a losing record the next several years. Waiting for resolution of the circumstance to learn what coach Carroll chooses to do is one of the more interesting diversions of the season, especially since Geno Smith and the Seahawks went on a losing streak after playing a game against Tampa Bay in Munich last season yet still made the playoffs. If Smith isn't a reliable QB of the future for Seattle, could he mentor Richardson for two or three years and win enough to make the project profitable?


Ecosystem Services- Should 'essential variables' serve special interest groups first?

Essential variables as standard candles for measuring ecosystem content need be independent and free of tayloring to special interest groups. The paradigm of satisfying stakeholders as special interest groups could generate ecospherically counterfactual data in regard to the best interests of humanity in its ecosphere. Humans probably should learn new building and living economic methods rather than perpetuate the system that is processing the ecosphere toward oblivion. Present neccessary ecosystem services should be viewed as temporary measure utilized until the new paradigm of living synergetically with the ecosphere is actualized.


Ask Mexico to Join the United States to Secure Southern Border

 The Democrat Party has created and maintained a perennial border crisis allowing more than a half million foreigners to illegally cross in to the U.S.A. every month. For years and even decades that party has sabotaged U.S. internal security and swollen the ranks of illegal workers that have several adverse effects on the American economy. About a quarter of a million illegal entrants are captured and released monthly while about 300,000 get away without making any kind of contact with federal officers at all. Some of those could be Russian, North Korean or Chinese specialists bringing in suitcase nuclear bombs to bury in desert regions for later possible use by sleeper agents demolishing U.S. cities. There should be some sort of interim solution to the problem of the creeping conquest of America by illegals.

Illegal workers as a vast left-wing class undermine the fundamental principles of equality. Plainly there should be no illegal underclass of citizens in the U.S.A. that creates a bifurcated economic divide between those on the legal clock and those not as is the case in California. Some way the U.S.A. and its values are permanently corrupted by the presence of a vast illegal underclass of physical workers not collecting fat paychecks at a desk. The remedy is to seal the southern border to illegal entrants as President Trump tried to do while being sabotaged in the effort by Democrats. After a couple of years of sealing the borders against illegal entry aliens that have worked in the U.S.A. for two years or more should be offered legal residence after being screened against international criminal and terrorists registers.

The alternative would be to ask Mexico to consider becoming part of the U.S.A. so the United States of America would include Mexico and its states as they are with one government and citizenship for all. Mexico has a smaller southern border that the U.S. government might be able to afford to defend although Democrats probably would find a way to make it grossly insecure too.


A New Phase of the Ukraine Conflict

 The war in Ukraine that began with a Russian invasion of land areas that were part of traditional Russia; in example, Crimea and later into areas claimed by Ukraine and supported by the Democrat Party and select European nations appears to have entered a new phase with the appointment of General Gerasimov to lead the war. Gerasimov is also Army Chief of Staff and one of three Russian with a nuclear football- nuclear codes, able with discretionary powers to use n uclear weapons.

Aftewr the Crimean conquest and years of increasingly tight sanctions with no end in sight Russia apparently choose to go whole hog and enter the dragon of full scall war on Ukraine. After the western response with loads of high tech military weapons and cash, information and all of its propaganda engines lined up in a row of resuplying Ukraine the counteroffensive occurred driving Russian forces back and away from the Dnepr and some eastern regions toward the edge. Notably Ukraine attacked point targets inside Russia. Winter developed and the realignment from what may be viewed as the warm up to the serious fight has shaped up.

Some say that Russia begins its war battles rather slowly. It is good to take them out in the opening rounds of the fight because over time their determination and stamina for battle may win out. Such analogies have limited value yet western leaders may need to set aside rose colored classess about the war of attrition where the Ukraine wins with so much support from the west with HIMARS, tanks etc and RUssian supplies are depleted and consider what Russian leadership might do in an existential conflict with the west.

Gerasimov has a philosophy of total control apparently that became eponymous for a doctrine somewhat reflected in American social media and the Democrat Party; the importance of controlling the information space and the real-time coordination of all aspects of a campaign, in addition to the use of targeted strikes deep in enemy territory and the destruction of critical civilian as well as military infrastructure."-Gerasimov. That is much like the Obama doctrine promoting homosexual marriage and social media attrition of conservative writers in social media.

The new phase of the war may be a more dangerous time- even as Russia may have internal confllicts and competition for leadership exacerbated by covert and overt support by the west. The entire affair reminds me a little of the true story of a skydiver whose parachute and reserve didn't deploy and yet photographed himself and the ground as he fell to Earth.


Sea of Nothing (poem)


Sea of Nothing

Into the sea of nothing
slips the ship of wings
where time’s echoes stop to sing
and the unknown seems the king
forgotten is the last sting
everyone’s gone lost the string
some hope with the Lord they rise
nothingness’ skies reach a dream.


Four of Infinity - the poem


Infinite numbers of dimensions go
cross webbed then, four got Avrm’s goat
space and motion sent matter with time glow
caught for replacement of sin mortals know.


Concentrated Wealth has helped developed the rIse in SIn

 When churches make sin such as homosexuality officially OK. and perform homosexual marriages many Americans are down with it Sitting comfortably in pews they can consider Wall Street portfolio performance and think about how to survive inflation profitably.

Traditionally inflation was bad for capital investments that were locked in to a low rate of return. Capital usually rises faster than wages so wealth over time becomes concentrated as big capitalists glom up smaller capital clumps in various kinds of buyouts. Setting aside the inconvenience of Biblical sin from official church doctrine is a logical en passant action in the criterion of concentrating capital. It is sometimes useful for empires to annihilate national and religious spirit and install a uniform secular culture without dissenters.

It is interesting to consider the historian Arnold Toynbee’s paradigm of challenge and response that he used to analyze the rise and fall of civilizations. As a contemporary American the United States is of  interest; wealth is concentrating in the United States equal to that of Mexico presently so one may wonder how that affects broader social criteria for freedom, democracy and basic well-being for citizens.

Without enough challenges individuals and societies may not develop skills at overcoming challenges. Inherited wealth may allow living in inherited incomes, properties and so forth that require no ingenuity, adaptivity or challenges to overcome for the heirs. As wealth concentrates and a class rises with such unchallenged people owning most of the nation’s capital a certain kind of financial conservatism can develop that is not one of conservative moral values or classical virtue. It is instead a fiscal conservatism that descries challenges to one percent of society owning about everything or at least subjugating all of the capital that it does not directly possess.

The ruling class does not want to seem to be so. It hires and promotes minorities in the United States into positions that it receives in the existing system and would not otherwise have already attained, or so it is led to believe. A meritocracy defines itself by how well individuals support the values of the one percent including censoring social media. Pro football is greatly entertaining yet completely useless and even parasitical as millions are led to follow the seasonal cycle of not producing anything material at all for the benefit of the masses. Chess champion Bobby Fischer at least invented the Fischer time clock. Einstein’s theories of relativity are instrumental in space work with satellites, farmers produce food to eat and football is nothing more than an opiate of the masses.

The fundamental problem in the United States is the return of a mostly unchallenged class that promotes values mostly of self-serving special interest to itself. Keeping capital from becoming overly concentrated and democracy sliding into plutocracy is a great challenge to overcome for society generally and isn’t likely to be met well. It will be interesting to see where that leads with farces like border porosity for non-citizen illegal labor to enter and keep labor supply cheap and the middle class weak. Not only is the nation no longer a real democracy, it has an inherent sub-class of non-citizen workers that cannot even vote.


Unleash the Dogs of Peace

 On this day of celebration of the Lord’s birth more than two millennia ago the United States leadership should resolve to unleash the dogs of peace and end the Ukraine war. Peace is a virtue for-itself generating manifold benefits and celebrating life. Life is a river of opportunity that grows attacked by its nemesis the necrotic monster of death. Human political leadership ought choose the living waters of life rather than the poisoned blood of death.

Peace was the hope that brought about the end of the Cold War beginning during the final months of the Reagan administration; culminating in Soviet withdrawal of military forces from Eastern Europe beginning December 1988

The United States once was the leader of the free world. Today it is something more like a sycophant of a military-industrial complex of international scope. Instead of seizing the opportunity for peace through negotiated settlement with Russia that would correct the iniquity of redistributing all of the Ukraine to the west, including the Crimean Peninsula, the Biden administration has consistently promoted war and all of the unfortunate, evil tidings that have followed. It is not too late to have a change of heart and let slip the dogs of peace.

Continuing the war into the new year brings more evil prospects for Americans. While the Biden administration has left undefended the southern border with an anticipated invasion of hundreds of thousands or even millions of illegally arriving aliens ahead it is financing the Ukraine conflict with more than a 100 billion dollars worth of weapons, cash, advisers and other goods at a minimum. The best it can hope to achieve is to end up where it began before the conflict with the former boundaries set by the Clinton administration that precipitated the present conflict. Eastern Ukraine under Russian control would have little practical effect on the people that live there economically or socially if a complete peace with demilitarization and free trade was established. Without a peace that recognizes historical Russian claims; without sharing the Ukraine, the foundation for lasting enmity will be poured like molten lava behind a dam of hate.


Ranked Choice Voting may be a New Key to Corruption

 Alaska has a new voting system that imay require a mathematical statistician to understand. It seems like a gaming platform with consequences of voting or not voting for “second choices” challenging to calculate. It seems like a way for incumbents with name recognition to have an implicit edge, and the ongoing, slow Alaska race for the U.S. Senate is an example of the corruption of the new system. The incumbent has an advantage in ranked choice voting. It seems like counting some votes twice.

The challenger Kelly Tshibaka took more than 43% of the vote in the state and nearly all Republican votes although she and Lisa Murkowski, initially appointed by her father the former senator and then Governor both claim to be Republicans. Murkowskiy took most Democrat votes and will get more support when the Democrat candidate is eliminated in voting counting as Murkowski was the second choice of the few Democrats that actually voted for their own party candidate. Murkowski votes Democrat on all important social issues and also is pro-global warming gas development through fossil fuels, and is female so she is the Democrat’s choice who runs as an independent or Republican. The state Republican party supported Tshibaka.

In an election the winner ought to be the candidate that gets the most votes plainly. The ranked choice system muddies that and leaves voters uncertain about how to calculate or game the system by careful picking second through fifth choices to help their own first choice win even though they hate the rest of the field. To not vote for alternate ranked choices in some way counts against one’s own first choice.

Plutocrats are converting democracy to plutonomy and corporatocracy by degrees. Apparently social media statistically bans far more conservative political posts than liberal to such an extent that they actually influence elections. Something like 20% of independent voters voted to the left in 2020 because of social media skewers to the left creating more left supporting content. *(the data are difficult to confirm)

In corrupting a Democracy ranked choice voting seems like a good tool to make it more difficult for outsiders ever to get elected. Not only is it too costly and selected by factors other than competence or suitability, now it is also muddy as votes count in lesser degrees for some in accordance with how they are ranked. It reminds me of U.S. Constitution categories for some classes of Americans before it was amended when some citizens counted less than others for population counting purposes of the states.


There May Not Be Enough Critique-Essays of the President’s Work

 Essays can be written with many goals and objectives. They are like assays in a sense testing the quality of metal. Instead of metal essays evaluate the quality of job performance more broadly than a form with spaces for plus and minus’ for job evaluations. An essays considering the President’s job performance needs to evaluate sins of omission as well as commission. That is an essay regarding the Presidential job performance should be cognizant of the issues that exist yet are ignored by the President as well as those issues and tasks he or she has accomplished well or poorly. Writers, for example, could consider if party platforms would continue to develop the end of civilization through incompetent management.

Intelligence can be evident in essays or lack quality. A President’s goal should be to go about creating the well being of the nation in whatever way he can. Yet one must have the intellect to recognize the things that could be done to make the nation better and how they could be done. I believe writers constructing essays should use their own imagination to develop substantial evaluations to bring to the public’s attention even when the Presidential imagination is lacking. A very simplistic Presidential agenda is something like the work of a retarded writer in comparison to Shakespeare and it is the responsibility of the electorate and political parties to nominate very bright candidates with a large range of excellent political goals to accomplish rather than a few. Even the few ideas that Democrats had in the 2020 primary had many self-inflicted casualties that ended their lives after the election when they won.

Television is audio and video about human speech and appearance. So much is of appearance and reactionary following along safe narratives rather than in quantity presentation of creative issues. It would be utterly remarkable if either Democrats or Republicans understood the value of having a minimum guaranteed national income or affordable or preferably free health care for retirees that are poor in addition to poor people of any age. Writers could evaluate the work the incumbent has done to accomplish goals like that and grade it and leave the lectures to college professors and journalists/ broadcasters laboring individual issues.

Worthwhile goals such as developing new means of national transportation instead of cars and freeways could be made with dozens of new ways of moving Americans faster, cheaper and better and still with individual platforms for movement. Goals of creating hundreds of millions of gallons of water with solar desalinization via canals across the sublet full of salt water that evaporate to fresh when collected/condensed etc would be easy to bring up.

The White House apparently is pursuing construction of a sunscreen in space to cool the Earth, yet that would affect everyone on the planet and is a radical risk for everyone too. It is also a kind of admission of defeat of human ability to build ecological economic infrastructure that is net zero greenhouse emitting for the nation first, and then the world. It isn’t too difficult yet transitioning to ecological economics would discomfort the rich and established that prefer to keep things the way they are where they own everything in site generally. A corrupt establishment basically is the doom of the people on Earth, Of course God may save those that have accepted his son Jesus Christ as an atonement for their sins however that doesn’t mean he will fix either the public debt or atmospheric heating and mass extinction because the lost are too corrupt to react adequately to the dangers implicit in non-ecological, classical economics.


Can Republicans Fulfill L.B.J.’s “Great Society” Dream?

 After not listening to President Biden’s partisan rave continuing the “I hate Donald Trump” narrative in a major speech from what was known as Independence Hall from the City of Brotherly Hate I have given some thought to the idea of making America a Great Society again as L.B.J. attempted in his major agenda programmatic effort to end poverty in the United States. Since then the Democrat Party has allowed the nation to be flooded with illegal workers that undermine the value of wage labor in the U.S.A. keeping many Americans living at or below poverty level Millions of illegal migrant workers also have provided a sub-class that can’t vote or pay taxes so Democrats can give stimulus checks to the rich and middle classes during times of crisis and leave the sub-class out. The underclass is a national labor caste that provides servants for the middle class like child care, house cleaning and construction at prices not quite as satisfying as slave labor. Democrat middle class employers of illegals of course don’t usually need to pay for housing or medical costs for the illegal labor caste either, as employers of slaves once did. That raises an interesting historical point for research though; what did Confederate slave owners do with retired black slaves; just work them until they dropped dead or was their some sort of retirement housing for them?

President Biden successfully took his tired self to his home state to make a partisan hack attack on Republicans, MAGA and former President Trump. Apparently gathering what I can from hear-say reports of the speech the President descried ultra plus vite extremist faster than a speeding bullet, insurrectionist revolutionary political opponents that don’t recognize that he won the election in 2020. So I am not sure what to think. Can Democrats controlling the house form another committee or two to investigate unAmerican activities by the most extreme reds and maybe purge them from government and Hollywood where they make movies like Full Metal Jacket, Magnum Force and Sudden Impact? Can Democrats make Congress a unicameral legislature with just themselves in it? What will happen to the nation if the narrative that Donald Trump is bad and a red collusionist with Vladimir Putin to overturn Democracy and make it fascist loses force? People wearing Nazi helmets on motorcycles and maybe in Honda Prius's make be increasing in number. I saw an Hispanic motorcyclist riding a chopper with a Nazi helmet a couple years ago, although it could have been a gray neo-U.S. armed services imitation helmet used to cover the ears so people won’t know if the rider is listening to N.P.R. with earbuds.

Since Democrats labeled Republicans ‘Reds’ when the Cold War 1.0 was ended by Republicans with help from the late last President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev the time may be right for making America a great society again following in L.B.J.’s footsteps. L.B.J. it is sometimes thought, may have died of a broken heart from all of the combat casualties in Vietnam and ineffectiveness of his Great Society program at ending poverty in the United State. He wasn’t able to run for a second term as President. It is difficult to choose which dream is true; that of purging the nation of the Red menace and its insurrection that goes on forever like a myocardial infarction until the Democrat Party dominates everything for Wall Street in the name of Joe Biden, or one of the other dreams.

The American Dream, the Dream of Martin Luther King, Footprints in the Sand, Spill the Wine Dream, On the Threshold of a Dream, DACHA Dream, The Red Dream, Joe Biden’s boyhood dream visiting Independence hall of standing within it as President brilliantly speaking defending the nation against terrible Red threats to Democracy, Lao Tze's Dream of the Butterfly or Man Disjunctive Forced Option etc. present many choices; how can all dreams be real or validated? The House UnAmerican Activities investigation could impanel a Too Tell The Truth subcommittee to bring before it representatives of all the the dreams to determine which one is really real.

Republicans can Make America Great Again with extremist legislation of they can recapture the House. Maybe they could form an American activities committee to discover what happened to intelligent legislation and where it is being held hostage and determine what the cost will be to ransom it free? Poverty need be entirely eliminated along with the illegal worker caste. All people working in America need to be legal and receive equal rights. Stopping illegal immigration is required for that to occur, and everyone that has been in the United States for a year should be made a legal resident or leave. If the U.S.A. is not to evolve into being a Banana Republic without bananas it needs to be sovereign for-itself, in-itself with everyone above board on a legal sheet of music.


Pres Biden hints Democrats may have weather control in the future

 POTUS replied to a press question in Kentucky that the government can do something to recover from weather damage even if it can’t control the weather now. The inference is that Democrats may be able to control the weather in the foreseeable future. After that maybe controlling the tides is next on the party agenda. I believe the irrational exuberance of the Democrat party over passage of the biggest bill in decades or something to that effect said Senator Schumer, is evident.

 In the 2020 Democrat Presidential primaries global warming response was a big topic that elicited plans from all the on-stage candidates. The most expensive ran north of 50 trillion dollars and the cheapest was Joe Biden’s 3.5 trillion dollar plan. The great ‘Inflation Reduction Doublespeak Bill” allocates about 350 billion to slow global warming a little. That is 1/10th of the cost of the most minimal plan; not exactly a success.

 My belief is that intelligent regulations and laws could eliminate greenhouse gassing, habitat degradation and mass species extinctions faster and better than any spending bill the Congress might pass. Those bills are invariably loaded with pork and are poorly planned to the extent of being ineffective at improving the ecosphere. Jacque Cousteau and James Lovelock each expressed the opinion that mankind has about 200 years of a livable planet remaining. I believe the ballpark figure now is about 170 years. Humans are just over-consuming and overusing natural resources with inefficient and ecospherically mal-adapted technology.

 Democrats have managed to restore the Cold War version 1.0 to a full 2.0 status. Sending ten billion to the Ukraine government for weapons to kill Russians might have some unintended negative consequences for the U.S.A., yet like the global warming problem, government leadership tends to ignore the challenges and even increase the potential scale of disaster. Maybe it’s premature in regard to the Democrat’s new world order schedule to think about how normal relations could be restored with Russia and China, yet I will indulge that point a little.

 Democrats have piled on every sanction and penalty they could imagine upon Russia. That will make it difficult to end conflict with Russia or to end sanctions short of some kind of complete surrender by Russia even though the U.S.A. and N.A.T.O. aren’t technically at war with them (though Democrats might wish they could be).  If the U.S. weapons can kill so many Russian soldiers that the Russian military withdraws to areas the United States government considers their legitimate reservation it could not end the sanctions without that Russian surrender; if it did that would be like ending sanctions on Saddam Hussein after General Schwarzkopf and the military coalition drove the Iraqi military out of Kuwait and back to Iraq. So long as Russia is regard as belligerent and on the wrong side of the Queer Curtain (like the Iron Curtain except lavender on the U.S.-N.A.T.O. side and red on the Russian peace couldn’t be assured. Maybe it would evolve like the DMZ dividing the two states of Korea and the western forces would stand ready to war against the Eastern forces for a half century or more.

 I believe intelligent people tend to see more and deeper than people less intellectually gifted. It may also be that people believe their own intellect is fine and they understand things as they are. Even the most intelligent may be wrong- Einstein for example believed his cosmological constant was a blunder. Maybe it’s a variable; if it was less a few billion years ago than it is now it might have accelerated some-space on the way to terminal velocity. Democrats seem content that their attitude toward Russia and Ukraine is intelligent and the best outlook. They also minimize or ignore dire possible consequences to global security as a result of the war. Too often they declare they are defending another democracy when factually the U.S.A. has evolved into plutocracy with nominal democracy. Wealth has concentrated, the broadcast media became special interest social fascists fanning racial politics and Democrats legislate special interest bills with one-party votes and a majority of one in the Senate. Neither party seems interested in building a better world that eliminates poverty in the U.S.A. first and then that of the world while returning the environment to health.

  With free enterprise and limits to capitalism good legislation can move in the direction of a healthy world. God told Jeremiah that everyone knows Him and they simply forget who he is. Democrats not only lose reverence for God or even awareness of Him, they also forget about campaign promises to pass substantial legislation to slow or reverse global warming instead dumping ecospheric tokenism into their synthetic fascist information media to prop up November re-election trimes. Alaska’s next election later in August has weighted candidates where one is supposed to rank choices, as if any substitute product was acceptable to one a voter believes best. If federal elections had ranked choices indicating that just insiders are ranked and eligible  they would need negative ranking choices (less than zero) to realistically capture voter sentiment.


Labor participation in Covid Year 2021 down; recession 2022?

 The fact that about 370 thousand people were hired in July doesn’t preclude the possibility or even likelihood of recession developing. The labor participation rate- the percent of adult Americans working, was fairly low before Covid. Mass layoffs during 2020 because of Covid threw millions of boomers out of work and onto early retirement. The number of people that won’t return to work from skilled positions that may be more difficult to fill than unskilled may create millions of job openings besides those of people being hired to fill jobs that were canceled temporarily.

Usually it seems that at least 150,000 people are hired as a monthly average during a normal economy. Doubling that number as a post-Covid 19 return to near normal economics draft seems about right, in a horseshoe toss sort of way. I think no one believes that 350 thousand monthly job hires is the result of a booming economy and clever administrative management.

If the labor participation rate is still low compared to normal times with the ongoing exodus of boomers from jobs it is possible that recession or producing less is a natural level of economic activity. Maybe increased use of robotics will expand economic productivity as flow-charting product through-put designs are reconfigured to use fewer human employees. The Biden administration may search for more ways to flood the nation with increased illegal alien workforce cadre to keep their salads green on restaurant tables. They did get the Congress to spend 20 billion dollars on a domestic chip development stimulus- a fraction of what they spent on donating weapons, cash and future considerations to Ukraine’s comedian president and military.

It can be very difficult for boomers seeking to return to the workforce facing age discrimination. It is also a fact that once people start drawing social security retirement they can no longer change the amount with further work disincentivizing them to work. I do not know if they must pay into social security if they do return to work since the payments would do nothing for themselves. Maybe Congress should act to reform social security a little to address the reality of boomer retirements in 2021 and 2022 and let them return to work if they prefer for a few more years with their retirement payments suspended and a future fresh approach to retirement made to renormalize matters. A few extra years of work paying into social security can result in a better retirement check when one does retire, while early retirement and no work is deleterious.

Democrats are attempting to pass an environmental bill worth 70 billion a year for ten years as a reaction to global warming. Most objective people would say that is far too small of an investment that will not slow global warming sufficiently to terminate more deleterious effects ahead economically. Cynics might note the main reason that sum was proffered was the attempt to get Democrats re-elected in November.

The administration also seeks to let retirees on Medicare who can afford Plan B – a requirement for buying into Plan D that is the Medicare drug coverage- have the opportunity to negotiate drug prices as a collective bargaining unit in order to lower costs of drugs. Like Obamacare that left many of the poor out of its plan for many reasons, the Biden drug plan excludes poor retirees who can’t afford Plan B from getting reduced prescription drug prices in Plan D. If those making laws and implementing them were not so prosperous they would be able to comprehend that those Americans excluded from workforce participation much of their lives are also excluded from the collective benefits those better off share.

If President Obama had not been a former cocaine using tobacco smoking Harvard front man he would have included the poor in his medical plan so no citizens are excluded from Plan B and D when too old to fashionably be employed in the lunatic American society of the Democrat Party. If there are not too many Americans that poor, so few that rich Democrat politicians don’t notice them, it shouldn’t be too costly to their 33 trillion dollar economy to provide Plan B and D coverage for that fractional minority.


Leadership of the West

 Western leadership is digging the west a deeper hole in driving a wedge deep between East and West. Strategically the west was in a great global position before the Clinton administration when its prospects for peace and prosperity through friendly Chinese and Russian relations were excellent. Unfortunately the Clinton administration bungled the development of peace by wresting all of Ukraine and Crimea away from its traditional, historical owner Russia. Conflict reduces market size and increases completion. Conflicting building a divided world market and consumer base reduces efficiency, forces deleterious ecospheric effects and generalizes the persistence of poverty.

 High school education in good public schools offered primarily just three courses. They were state history, national history and Western Civilization. Western civilization mostly sketched in Western European history and the age of exploration to the Americas, yet it generally omitted Russian and Eastern European history except as the Hapsburgs or Napoleon was involved. Americans of the boomer generation learned about France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc and nothing about Russia. The Cold War version 1.0 cemented their very biased political worldview. Bill Clinton was educated in England at Oxford University. England has a long history of imperialism and enmity was Russia reaching back to the 1600s. Those facts reinforced Bill Clinton’s world view leading him to fail to comprehend that levering Ukraine entirely away from Russia after the Cold War ended would bring a future war when Russia grew strong enough to take it back. The Democrat Party exhibited a failure to adapt to new political reality and instead used the old Cold War template of permanent enmity toward Russia unto the present day. The U.S.A. isn’t the first nation in history that failed to adapt their political paradigm correctly to new circumstances. Britain on the other hand was a nation that succeeded in adapting to great political changes. Though they failed to keep their empire alive and healthy via progressing to improving the political economy of the people of their colonies, when their empire finally failed in the 1960s they learned to play international trade markets well, and the United States became the blaster to their master role. Britain has learned to play the Democrat Party and select fellow travelling Republicans like a political banjo.

 President Reagan’s grand vision of a world without nuclear weapons and peaceful, cooperative relations with a post-Soviet Russia was enabled perhaps by early stages of Alzheimer’s, because no U.S. President since was able to keep or build upon the concept. Maybe R.R. was selected by God to lead the U.S.A. to a new age. When Americans saw the opportunity for peace and prosperity they turned toward the devil morally and piled up public debt. In comparison to Ronald Reagan, U.S. Presidents since have been runts, with the exception of G.H.W. Bush (41) about whom I will make a brief comment.

 President Bush 41 was the last intelligent, capable U.S. President with a competent world view. It took him a little time to adapt yet he was able to follow up on R.R.’s nuclear drawdown policy quite well. 41 was competent in international affairs, yet might yet seemed to have a politically fatal flaw. As a spook leader C.I.A. Director he was in his realm of competence. He took a degree in economics Phi Beta Kappa as an undergraduate. The U.S. has taken to electing crass populists, bureaucrats and lawyers to the White House without competence in ecospheric economics, strategic international relations paradigmata, national security or eliminating poverty and public debt, and is happy in divisive, causative, toxic politics and broadcast media raving.

 The strategic interests of the United States globally were far better served with a mutual peaceful and friendly relationship with Russia and China instead of war. The present Ukraine war has been allowed by Democrats to fundamentally divide the world into two political and economic camps, and Wall Street and the west are far better served with just one.

 China has great growth prospects economically and is better positioned in the long run to develop business and trade with the second and third world than the neo-imperialist west. China and Russia united in a trade and business relationship is very powerful and loaded with human and natural resources that will be direct competition with the west. With all of the piled on sanctions and efforts to designate Russia as a sponsor of state terrorism the west is deepening the division of the economy of the world and that is bad for business as well as the global ecosphere.

 Democrat policy to divide the world appears to be a result of a immature interpretation of world history biased to a left-brain only basis with simple eastward expansion of the EU and N.A.T.O. eastward into Eastern Europe and Russia being logical. Three Democrat Presidents including Bill Clinton have successively deepened hostile relations with Russia. Even now the war in Ukraine could be stopped in two weeks with American pressure and negotiations to cede Donbas to Russia as well as the coastal areas in holds. Russia would be obliged to normalize relations with the west and Ukraine and to demilitarize its new Ukrainian possessions. Ending sanctions all around with actual peace, prosperity and reconstruction developing would proceed.

 The United States in a divided world political economy competing for African, Latin American and Eurasian business begins with nearly 31 trillion dollars of public debt and national income concentrating to the few. Increased military expenses will become protracted. Meanwhile a world external proletariat will continue to migrate mostly illegally to the United States. American business will continue to rely on Chinese manufacturing and imports with corporations invested in China owning less than 49% with Chinese partners owning 51% or more. Those challenges are or were avoidable preponderantly and shouldn’t be exacerbated by digging a deeper hole with Russia though it is convenient rhetorically to do so. Western leadership may prefer to blame Russia and especially President Putin for inflation, the high cost of gasoline, failure to get anything done in the environment and designating nuclear power as a green energy source however the west itself is a full partner, minimally, in withering its own economic prospects and cutting itself down to size.

 The immature far western European worldview of Eurasia held by the Clinton administration can lead to peaceful coexistence in the world in spite of itself. China, Russia, Europe, The U.S.A. and other nations exist in the world and will need to get along and conduct business at some point with unacceptable mass die offs of population being the basic alternative. The point for Americans is that getting to world peace through a divided world and gradual reduction of the western strategic economic position in favor of hegemony by China globally is less useful for the west and getting there directly through peace and prosperity in an undivided world with a restored ecosphere in progress. Democrat party planks that undermine the security of the United States at home and globally are numerous. Digging a deeper hole appears to be the unavoidable direction that party has obsessively selected. It makes for an interesting world.




What Republicans need to retake the White House in 2024

 President Biden has the inside, incumbent edge. That is as solid as the felony edge for advantage offender; at least until running into a qualified opposition candidate (or law enforcement officer). Republicans are, rank outsiders (joking) with trouble seeing light at the end of the tunnel. They are hapless, clueless and divided between blue-blood and Rhinos on one side loyal to personal wealth. Wall Street and expanding global markets for producers and consumers whom will help consolidate planetary wealth for the 1%, and the other side. Those are MAGA Republicans that have an etymology going back to the 1992 election and even before with the brief-lived third party known as the Independence Party.

Jessie Ventura was the eminence gris of the Independence Party whom actually was elected Governor of Minnesota. The billionaire founder of Compaq Ross Perot ran in the 1992 election as an Independent taking quite a few votes. Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot disliked George H.W. Bush enough tom run against him in the primaries. President G.H.W. Bush was regarded as an insider the beltway Washington D.C. insider with dubious opinions about homosexuality. The media said that he “put his manhood in a blind trust”. Disaffected blue collar Republicans leaning toward the Independence Party from 1992 eventually morphed into the Tea Party that in turn eventually morphed into MAGA republicans. Fundamentally they are a m ore blue collar and non one-percent branch of Republicans that includes evangelical voters preponderantly. On occasion even non-white Republicans identify with the MAGA branch of the party, and it welcomes them so long as they espouse the state of the art phraseology making up the side’s alphabet soup.

The question arises of the capacity for Republicans to find and run a charismatic presidential candidate with good political, social and scientific judgment. The candidate should be under age 60 and being a celebrity or former would not hurt. If white and male the candidate would want to run with a female that is a military veteran, and preferably one with a college degree. Those qualifications don’t seem like much yet they are as rare as finding a cougar living free and safely in Chicago outside of a zoo.

Ronald Reagan was the last charismatic Republican to run and be elected. Since Reagan no charismatic Republicans have tried to be elected. George Bush the younger initially seemed like a regular guy, and he is. Unfortunately he was an heir an scion of a wealthy blue blood insider line of politicians without an apparent great economic sense except to spend. Voters were rather disappointed with his job performance. Not the greatest speaker to be in the White House nor one with original or inventive, progressing/futurist ideas.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were two of the most uncharismatic fellows to run for the office. Mitt made a number of gaffs including saying that half of Americans don’t want to work that brought him to narrowly lose to the incumbent, yet Romney wasn’t too bad of a candidate at all by Republican standards. Even so he too was identified with Washington blue-bloods an one-percenters (of national wealth ranking).

President Biden owns the inflation issue running near nine percent annually. Like prior Democrats in the White House he has partnered war into existence in Europe, Asia or the Middle East. Even President Trump managed to not start any foreign wars. He really should have won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the Middle East. President Biden is a usual pro-homosexual marriage, pro-abortion Catholic with lots of support from his perceived illegal alien support constituency that gets Hispanic votes. President Biden lacks much creativity in making environmental progress toward recovery of the ecosphere, and with both chambers of Congress run by Democrats failed to even get a just fix the environment bill put into a bill to bring to a vote. He has lost credibility with environmental voters too.

To win Republicans should run candidates under age sixty, with charisma, a little environmentalism that could take shape developing a national mass hyper-loop system to get cars off the road and citizens and cargo moving on the ground at 300 m.p.h., and one that understands global markets work better for Americans with peace with Russia and a non-divided Eurasia working together. The candidate should have appeal to MAGA Republicans with support for border security and endings for homosexual marriage and abortion.

The candidate could draw independents with a willingness to raise taxes on the very rich. Independents probably would like to see the patent system reformed so every citizen could afford tom patent an invention. That would actually make a difference. Maybe their should be a dozen different kinds of patents approaches rather than just one. Pharmaceutical corporations want and can afford patents in a different way than the poor and middle class can. Independent inventors could live ion royalties after five years yet everyone could manufacture the product if they paid royalties to the inventor, whereas pharmaceutical patent holders need quite a number of years to develop an idea and then to profit from it. Different classes of and approaches to getting patents would speed the economy toward progress and adaptability.

Republicans tend to run the usual unappealing suspects or ones that disappear into the shadows after the election that no one remembers. Popular celebrities with political experience are very rare and have almost a 100% success rate at taking the Republican Presidential nomination. There is a dark horse Republican that could start an new round of creating a third party rather easily; Senator Ron Paul.

If Republicans run another election challenged, non-charismatic or extremist over age 60 or if younger, without good ideas who is also an ecological neanderthal, or a blue blood that MAGA voters find cold, Ron Paul (who probably hasn’t an interest) could run and energize an Independent or Libertarian Party and lose to President Biden along with the Republican candidate. The 2024 election is shaping up to be another “wake me when its’ over affair” of hot-contested, vitriolic contention of smoke and mirrors, promises-to-be-broken and incompetence.

President Biden keeps the electorate racially inflamed and divided. Inflaming racial politics and labeling the Republican moral majority extremist benefits one-percenters. White American males were the only political group able to keep a progressive tax rate on one-percenters, and that may concern the uber-rich. Democrats can be reelected by appealing to anti-white voters programmed to believe that white supremacists and extremists can only be defeated by pro-homo, pro-abortion, pro-cheap immigrant replacement labor Democrats.

It is true there were genuine white supremacists that owned Negro slaves in the old south and a Klan that followed thereafter. In my opinion though, actual white supremists are quite rare today. Instead white voters threatened by non-white immigration and replacement as workers in well paying jobs are concerned with political forces of mass social downward mobility. Economic equalization for poor white men becomes more challenging when the U.S. government is implicit biased against strait white males. Recall that affirmative action was in effect the promotion of everyone that wasn’t a strait white male American. Strait white males could be labeled white supremacists and turned into laborers and opiod addicts.

Black race slavery occurred in southern states. The economic correction to equalize blacks wasn’t limited to blacks or southern blacks. Neither was it limited to southern states that had slavery. Affirmative action was a nation wide policy that promoted everyone that was not white, male and strait. It is a hard experience for young white men to find doors closed just to them that are open to everyone else. The social and economic inertia that follows that practice created and environment where people like Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer could describe a protest march in the 2020 election aftermath as an insurrection. There were extremists that entered the capitol in January 2021 that had no potential for taking over the government at all. The mass break-in of rioters could not potentially have taken over the government. Democrats thrive in a riotous culture. Since the election of Joe Biden an Antifah listing its residents as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the Black Lives Matter mass demonstrations and riots have slowed down to virtually halt. War has been reinforced in Ukraine against the Democrats foreign foe; Russia, that is regarded as too white and anti-queer. Peace or practical political arrangements were given no quarter when war was possible to advance Democrat global affirmative action homosexual marriage and abortion policy.

Affirmative action (better known as white male demotion) was a real phenomenon that gathered inertial momentum and continues today as a political presumption. A half century of federal discrimination against white men and promotion of atheism, homosexuality, abortion and dope and non-white illegal migration to the U.S. provoked resistance as one could expect. Democrats generally repressed verbal resistance in social media with what they called hate speech and hate crimes legislation to protect their constituency. Demo-talk was protected and resistance banned as hate speech.

Race replacement theory has been described b y NPR as baseless and racist, yet affirmative action was predicated on the idea that white men should be partly replaced in the work force by affirmative action classes of what today are generally Democrats. History validates racial and gender quotas that existed to replace a mostly white male work force with Democrats. Democrats may deny that history as some deny the Holocaust occurred.

Replacement work forces to bring in cheap labor are a basic part of the history of capitalism. Africans were brought to America not because of their skills or skin color; they were brought because they were cheap labor. Hispanic illegal migrants to the U.S. were supported by capitalist because they are cheap labor- far less costly than white male citizen labor. Affirmative action's history coincides with the radical decline of U.S. labor unions because of the surfeit of cheap labor. When so any women entered the work force they took a lot of jobs that were filled by men previously at cheaper wages. When the Cold war 1.0 ended and a planet full of cheap labor became available millions of jobs were relocated overseas creating another job replacement phenomenon. Replacing higher paid employees with lesser is a solid base of capitalism that sometime coincides with race replacement such as has occurred in the past 40 years in the Unted States.

Hispanic workers that were illegal were regarded as more reliable than black workers whom were perceived as more violent. Replacing the black population in the U.S.A. that was the second largest racial group, with Hispanics has already been accomplished with Hispanics presently the #2 racial group in the U.S.A.

Politicians like President Biden live in the phenomenon of cancel culture/affirmative action demonizing white men. The president has never been poor and discriminated against by U.S. Government policy. He has never been on the victimized side of affirmative action. Instead he has always been a government insider trashing poor white men as white supremacists; using what is a politically correct form of Democrat Party official hate speech. Some actually are race supremists I suppose yet most just experience challenging economic circumstances and an increasing hostile establishment social environment. To be poor and labeled by the top dog of government makes life difficult.

He naturally tosses accelerants onto racism with odious rhetoric whenever an occasion permits. There are other things to say and do that would bring the nation to understanding those problems rather than simply exacerbate race conflict. At the end of the day though, racism and conflict bring in votes to Democrats as white men are demoted, so he continues his octogenarian political reflexes.

It isn’t likely that many white Americans would want to enslave Negros or actually do believe they are superior and blacks inferior generically. Defending race interests is not the same as believing one is racially superior. The U.S. government may be militarily superior to all races, yet its intelligence concerning truth is not, neither has it more accuracy or justice. When it is simply wrong or corrupt things go wrong for millions of people. Its apologists then can say that it was right and double down on being wrong.

President Biden’s anti-white race demagoguery misses the practical political aspect at the core of U.S. race issues that is largely economic. Many white people these days may be looking for economic equality rather than abstract or practical social race supremacy. As non-white males are equalized many white males are hindered economically and demoted financially. The social hegemony of non-whites created cancel culture that goes too far some times and has created a problem of injustice of its own. The President has economic supremacy and sides with economic forces of supremacy over white middle class and is especially harmful to poor white people that historically elected President Roosevelt to raise taxes on the rich. Democrats failed to raise taxes on the rich while owning Congress and the White House. Instead they wanted to kick around poor whites as white supremacists and blame Senator Mansion for not passing a green diapers day care for Democrats bill.

Good jobs for all Americans, conservation of existing populations and social legislation to assure basic income for all Americans and free higher education through graduate school with 60% income tax on the one-percent would solve most of the national social ills in a decade or two I would guess. Equal protection of the law need include white men too; in economics. Using the race card to keep taxes low on the ultra-rich isn’t a brilliant tactic, it is an effective one.


The Strait China, Russia and Islam (?) vs Queer World Order

Trying to interpret the Biden administrations effects upon international order is challenging. Maybe it’s pac-man and bit coin for capitalist concentration of wealth rejecting even free enterprise unless its own by special, unknown insiders. If one could live one-hundred years more to watch the unfolding of history that would be a thread I would follow. As it is, the administration’s choice for a raucous belligerency toward Russian President Putin and most things Russian has flipped a rail switch on the main line of historical development.

Keeping with the phenomenal history of the Democrat Party’s election of homicidal lawyers to the office of President (e.g. Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton, Obama), President Biden has been the primary supplier of state-of-the-art weapons of war to Ukrainian pro-western forces in their fight with Russians and is likely to be given due credit for providing the means to kill Russians. That may create some lasting hard feelings toward the U.S.A. in conservative Russia.

President Nixon’s Sect. Of State Henry Kissinger opened the door to China with ping-pong diplomacy during the Vietnam War when Russia and China were not too friendly with Sino-Soviet relations virtually gun-to gun over the Amur River. Vietnam was definitely not pro-China and Soviets supposed weapons and advisers to the North Vietnamese government.  Eventually China was drawn into a closer working relationship with American business and that of the west after the end of the Cold War with Soviet-Russia when China in effect stood alone against the capitalist west. President Biden has changed the calculus of China’s need to integrate with capitalism and relation ship with Russia.

President Reagan’s policy of ending the Cold War and normalizing relations with a free Russia miraculous paid off. President Clinton sewed the seeds for future conflict in wrenching Ukraine entirely away from post-Soviet Russia, yet for 20 years after that blunder Russia and China increased free enterprise activities and cooperation with capitalists. Democrats in the White House and even out of it when persecuting President Trump for imaginary collusion with Russia to win the 2016 Presidential elections brought adverse relations with Russia to a fever pitch whenever possible. Russia’s reconquista of Crimea in 2014 solidified Democrat Party hatred of Russia and ‘the dictator’.

The Ukraine war of 2020 brought the maximum degree of sanctions the Biden administration and Europe could impose of Russia, and Russia was left isolated developing toward a North Korean condition from the point of view of Democrats, with the exception of fellow traveler authoritarian nations and unaligned nations like India. While that narrative is obviously quite flawed, it wasn’t certain that a cultural war wasn’t at the heart of the conflict because Russians and Ukrainians could easily have lived together peacefully along a shared Ukraine divided between Russia and the west along the Dnepr River. Fundamentally Russia seemed to be the leading non-conformist to Democrat party and European elite will to force homosexual marriage upon all of the nations of the world and to move toward atheism with evolution doctrine in support that from their viewpoint makes all civil institutions acceptable (even if it did not justify the expropriation of heterosexual marriage unto a bi-sexual nature).

An interesting prospect in light of the total economic war on Russia and developing funding of Ukrainian weapons supplies, military and foreign legion of guest fighters is where it stops with no end game mentioned publicly. Would western forces reaching the Russian border be content to stop at that point, or would success tempt them to pursue the Dictator to the heart of Moscow where presumably he would suicide like Hitler instead of being captured? That is a rosy and dangerous point of view unlikely  to actualize as envisioned.Trying to interpret the Biden administrations effects upon international order is challenging. Maybe it’s pac-man and bit coin for capitalist concentration of wealth rejecting even free enterprise unless its own by special, unknown insiders. If one could live one-hundred years more to watch the unfolding of history that would be a thread I would follow. As it is, the administration’s choice for a raucous belligerency toward Russian President Putin and most things Russian has flipped a rail switch on the main line of historical development.

Keeping with the phenomenal history of the Democrat Party’s election of homicidal lawyers to the office of President (e.g. Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton, Obama), President Biden has been the primary supplier of state-of-the-art weapons of war to Ukrainian pro-western forces in their fight with Russians and is likely to be given due credit for providing the means to kill Russians. That may create some lasting hard feelings toward the U.S.A. in conservative Russia.

President Nixon’s Sect. Of State Henry Kissinger opened the door to China with ping-pong diplomacy during the Vietnam War when Russia and China were not too friendly with Sino-Soviet relations virtually gun-to gun over the Amur River. Vietnam was definitely not pro-China and Soviets supposed weapons and advisers to the North Vietnamese government.  Eventually China was drawn into a closer working relationship with American business and that of the west after the end of the Cold War with Soviet-Russia when China in effect stood alone against the capitalist west. President Biden has changed the calculus of China’s need to integrate with capitalism and relation ship with Russia.

President Reagan’s policy of ending the Cold War and normalizing relations with a free Russia miraculous paid off. President Clinton sewed the seeds for future conflict in wrenching Ukraine entirely away from post-Soviet Russia, yet for 20 years after that blunder Russia and China increased free enterprise activities and cooperation with capitalists. Democrats in the White House and even out of it when persecuting President Trump for imaginary collusion with Russia to win the 2016 Presidential elections brought adverse relations with Russia to a fever pitch whenever possible. Russia’s reconquista of Crimea in 2014 solidified Democrat Party hatred of Russia and ‘the dictator’.

The Ukraine war of 2020 brought the maximum degree of sanctions the Biden administration and Europe could impose of Russia, and Russia was left isolated developing toward a North Korean condition from the point of view of Democrats, with the exception of fellow traveler authoritarian nations and unaligned nations like India. While that narrative is obviously quite flawed, it wasn’t certain that a cultural war wasn’t at the heart of th

The basic consequence of the Biden approach to asserting Democrat Party platforms globally is the prospect of a unified Asia and strait economic block to counter that of the older, more prosperous and queering west. Russia forced into a Chinese led economic block will be the primary natural resource supply yard for the Chinese economy allowing China to be far less reliant upon supplies from the west. A unified Russia and China paradoxically drawing India and most of Eurasia into its sphere of trade would be virtually independent of the economy of the older, queering west  that would fulfill Toynbee’s paradigm of a repressive minority being supplanted by an external proletariat.

 A Russia that supplies resources to China is a strong economic platform itself, without even considering the constellation of other nations such as India, Vietnam and Islamic countries of Asia that would be more neutral yet active trading partners. It is likely that Europeans would continue investing in China though the new Iron Curtain imposed by the west on Russia would preclude direct trade through Russia to China as hyper-loop trading routes are established between Russia and China. The Trans-Pacific trade agreement that fell through would have been an odd bird in  light of the events with the west and Russia. China trade would have dropped off at some point as China saw the advantage of forming very close economic ties with Russia- even opening better relations concerning trade with India to make a new golden trade triangle. The U.S.A. has invested heavily in China and China is a major supplier of manufactured goods to the U.S.  The U.S.A. cannot easily put harsh ‘secondary’ sanctions on China without damaging its own economy and increasing inflation. For example, the price of an iphone if iApple’s Chinese plants were closed might be doubled in the U.S.A.  Americans like to spend a thousand dollars for a telephone the size of an aircraft carrier. At some point China will be able to get on without U.S. participation in its economy rather than vice versa as things are evolving.

 The west does have good ties with the elite royals of the Muslim world yet the ordinary Muslim world is likely to be more interested in maintaining and developing ties with rising Asian nations if China form one becomes more tolerant of religious self-determination.  An Afghanistan and Pakistan trading with Vietnam, India, Russia and China might even draw in North African rank and file Muslims to the rising Asian trading block. China has the challenge of religious tolerance including that of Islam and Christianity while it builds a Eurasian focused primary trading alliance of strait nations concerned with   restoring the environment to health so far as possible while the Biden administration circumstantially is trying to increase global oil supply and arms production and to increase public debt. It is indeed a perplexing future world order that won’t actualize as considered perhaps. Yet it is something to consider while space exploration and development goes on.


US Misunderestimated Ukraine-Russia Scenario

 U.S. policy makers have consistently underestimated the consequences of wresting away 100% of Russia’s ancestral homeland in the Ukraine and reallocating it to others than Russians. In 1994 Russian power was at a low point and its throat exposed to top dogs of the west. The last great try at colonization by the west developed in the Clinton-British axis of annexation. Anyone that had read a Russian history book would have realized that a Russian wish to retake their homeland would emerge not too far in the future after Boris Yeltsin relinquished Ukraine near the end of his life. The time apparently has arrived. 

 International law goes just so far; it settles disputes between agreeable powers. U.S. Presidents have steadfastly refused to be bound by international law concerning foreign charges they have committed war crimes etc. They are unwilling to sit in the dock at the Hague for judgment and confer immunity from prosecution upon themselves necessarily. As U.S. Presidents they have taken the position that they are above the law, or obey a higher law (cynics might say that is Wall Street mutual funds and sovereign growth funds). Absolute monarchs and others with absolute power claim that sovereign right; it goes to show the problems with international law among disagreeable powers. Real politic isn’t about lawyer claims with paper; instead it acknowledges actual historical and contemporary realities and doesn’t try to turn back the tide because Democrats get a legal injunction banning it from returning. Getting Russia to agree to a good aboriginal land claim settlement like Nixon did with Alaska natives to get the trans-Alaska pipeline built would be an expeditious way to move on with post Cold War rapprochement and economic integration with Europe, America and Russia instead of building a half century of conflict. To fail to recognize Russian aboriginal claims on Ukraine is like failing to recognize French rights to Paris, British rights to London, Italian rights to Rome etc. Alienating and severing those claims may have seemed practical to President Clinton and other British educated lawyer-politicians in 1994 as they sought quick profit severing Ukraine and treating that Rus homeland as if it had been an occupied Eastern European nation that deserved independence as might Poland or the Baltic states. Reasonable foresight would have partitioned Ukraine in such a way that Russia wasn’t skunked. As it is Democrats can finally investigate possible Russian collusion with President Ronald Reagan to end the Cold War.

  Brits and Spaniards were pretty good at trampling aboriginal rights in the age of exploration. The U.S. rectified that history to a limited extent in an era before people generally made those concessions. The United States may pursue Clinton-British Russian aboriginal land claims to extinction in Ukraine further leading to renewed Cold War and a permanent state of hostility. Russian national identity includes at least part of Ukraine if not all.

Tribalism is a forerunner of nationalism, yet when nationalism is depreciated in favor of globalism it is tribalism that tends to return via identity politics. Democrats have dumped so much racial/tribalism politics that the word civil rights itself tends to be regarded as race rights aka tribal rights. Nationalism would actually be a step forward from that.

 Israel is fundamental a race reservation in the global community with a democracy. Their are compelling reasons why Israel needs a reservation to avoid extinction or genocide as perhaps their may be concerning American Indian reservation. The trouble with reservations is that some advantaged, large tribes within nations don’t like that and seek to eliminated them. If all people are equal before the law in some nations that can mean operative genocide, hence reservations still exist in an age of nations and sometimes a planetary civilization. Russia’s eastern Slavs are a large racial group, and the largely non-Slavic western tribes have long sought to annex the ancestral homeland of the Rus with various degrees of luck. It should have been easy to make a land settlement agreement through negotiation if inertia didn’t drive Democrat party government policy to solely help itself, exert its one-party rule domestic practice abroad and ignore objective justice for-itself.

  U.S. leadership recently has made much of a ‘rule-based system’ that has existed since 1945 to support its worldview. In the administration’s opinion, Russia would be said to be violating that system if it actually invades Ukraine. In 1945 Europe was a shambles, and was divided between nations occupied by Communist allies and Western allies. Without the Soviet Union it is doubtful that the Nazis could have been defeated without liberal use of nuclear weapons by the weapons. For the west to achieve victory the Soviet had to defeat the million Nazis attacking eastward into Russia. German troops and aircraft occupied with attacking the east and Leningrad were not available to defend in the west against allied invasions through Italy and France. Without the Soviets the conflict would have taken more years to complete and Germany might have developed jet aircraft and the atomic bomb in the while. To wrest Ukraine away from  Russia; the principal Soviet component, was to terminate the system that had existed since 1945 based on rules and regard for national integrity. 

The buzz phrase ‘rule based system’ deserves a comment. Logically any form of government has rules and a rule based system. There is no particular merit in having rules in-themselves; they need be good rules to have merit, and are valid so long as they are relevant, functional, practical and just. For example, Genghis Khan had rules; they just weren’t good for Russian interests and Russians didn’t acquiesce in them willingly-dissenting for quite a number of years.

British lawyer-leaders including President Clinton may have regarded Ukraine as comparable to a Poland that should be independently after the end of Soviet post-war occupation of areas liberated from the Nazis, and that was a fundamental error. U.S. lawyer-Presidents of the modern era may view international affairs from the perspective of the adversarial system of justice wherein a lawyer advocated from each side make arguments against the other. If a President is a lawyer he should have a magisterial justice system viewpoint concerning international affairs as an impartial judge considering actual historical facts objectively to decide the merits and advantages of a case between two plaintiffs that are concurrently defendants.  It is ironic that President Clinton, educated in Britain that has a magisterial system, took a one-sided point of view and failed to consider the historical facts well enough to establish a long-term balance with fair apportionment of Ukrainian resources. It is good to benefit short term U.S. interests yet not at the expense of long-term public and historical justice. A President should have the wisdom of Solomon in dividing up failing empires if he wants to make international rules himself. If one is acting as an international magistrate one need separate from personal proprietary national interests, for if one does not, one may act as a king, fuhrer etc. with implicit bias.

Washington D.C. may not want to recognize it, but the Soviets were America’s primary strength ally in winning the Second World War. Russia- the Soviets- defeated the Germans on the Eastern side and rolled up their occupied European states right up to Berlin. Stalin wasn’t a nice guy, yet he was brutally tough and able to fight the Nazis more with blood than treasure. The other allies of the United States were important in the war, and Brits too delivered or escorted ships reaching Russia around Scandinavia to deliver supplies, yet it was the 20 million casualties the Russians suffered in their resistance that broke the back of the German war machine as much as the landing at Normandy and campaign through Italy. 

Britain was an important instrument for the American victory in the west providing intelligence, soldiers and material. Britain too had supplied the Soviets with tanks and other military equipment before the United State, yet when the U.S. entered the war Britain had retreated from Europe with the military escape across the channel home from Dunkirk. When Hitler launched Operation Typhoon against Russia he gave up maybe a million men (approx) to protracted, losing war and trashed vital and relatively safe East European regions for  manufacturing weapons potentially including an atomic bomb factory.

 The European states that became part of the rule based system after 1945 were either attacked by Germany, occupied by Germany, or at war with Germany or other axis powers. In short, the American and Soviet-Russian victory rule based system was achieved through war rather than diplomacy. When President Clinton and his British counterpart stole Ukraine they effectively divided the ‘rule-based system that had existed since 1945’ in twain and made a new system entirely ruled by western former allied and former axis powers against our former ally – Russia. The western alliance is primarily ruled by the primary western nuclear bomb power; the United States. The Democrat party believes it can define domestic and international rules itself to benefit Wall Street’s short term interests and Russia must submit. If the United States invades a country or supports foreign civil wars Democrats believe that is consistent with their inherent right to rule as it were, by decree to benefit plutocrats. Democrats haven’t advanced a single environmental bill through congress since the 2020 election and apparently have no plan to before the expiration of the present Congressional term, though they campaigned on the issue, in to benefit Wall Street short-term profits apparently.


Infinity at all points multiplying infinitely

Infinities are useful in constructing philosophical paradigms that can become dialogue in science fiction. Here are a few paragraphs on the topic of cosmology that I wrote.

"Quantum field theory; Q.F.T. describes some of the characteristics and strengths of quantum fields. Advanced Q.F.T. relates the behaviors of fields mathematically in relation to other fields occurring in four dimensions of space-time allowing fractional changes to the spin of constituent energy packets after they are converted into just numbers. One dimension points may be inducted with virtual fields and built between quantum field values with charges that adequately mirror quantum field objects; bringing into four dimensions and with higher maths and dimensions, virtual quantum fields.

“If numbers are fractions of a whole or have meaning only in relation to a series of numbers; infinities as it were in all directions except as arbitrary sets are delimiting paradigms Laura, why are numbers not infinite in quantity and size in every position and each dimension without any sort of delimiting structure at all? How can trans-finite series, as Cantor discovered, have any real or unique identity that would make them greater or lesser than every number that exists is an infinite continuum for all possible dimensions?”

“Victor, I would guess you wonder that because if numbers are the true foundation of all energy and mass, and gravity exists as well as thermodynamics in each universe, then obviously there is a process for changing sets that exist within the continuum of all possible numbers, at every possible location. Why would numbers develop temporally finite sets like squalls across an infinite sea? Are they echoes from the passage of an idea from the deity?

Why do numbers draw other positions together within a continuum that has infinite numbers at every location? What makes for an increase or decrease of value anywhere, if anyplace may as well be nowhere? 

Why would a spatial field; perhaps a field of charged virtual particles, upsurge like a hernia driving apart space-time, and appear within fields of a universe as elements with cardinal or ordinal differentiation in no-space? The quantity is infinite at every location, so the relative scalar difference of magnitude causality could be explained with dimensional intrusions.”


Mass US Covid 19 care preparation could have been better

 Since the Obama administration debate on what shape national health care should take I have periodically advocated free health care for the poor provided directly by medical staff on U.S. Government payroll. That is the most efficient way to include everyone and skip layers of bureaucracy and pay to middlemen insurance people. My suggestion was that the Veteran’s Administration hospital system could have been expanded greatly and combined with community service clinics to cover Veterans and the poor with a large surplus bed capability that could be ramped up in case of national emergency to provide auxiliary service to all Americans after the beds in regular hospitals systems not part of the V.A. hospital/community service clinics. Covid in the Omicron era could have easily been supported without undo strain on civilian, non-government hospitals.

This post isn’t intended to be an I told you so note. The purpose here is to reiterate the point that the nation is not prepared to provide quality walk-in medical service for 100% of the nation’s poor residents and citizens or for all Veterans either reportedly. Neither would it be able to handle a real, more lethal pandemic that has a fair chance of occurring sometime in the future because the entire world is packed with billions of souls, millions of biologists and transportation that allow same-day movement anywhere on the globe. If some sort of a serious genetically engineered pathogen or even another natural one from the usual suspects in Asia U.S. experts and medical capability, not to mention the economy so reliant on imports to exist, would go belly up as quick as a grizzly bear would eat a box of jelly donuts given the chance.

The next pandemic event may kill billions of souls indirectly via mass starvation when the heavily dependent on global supply chains economies break down. People are not as clever as they sometimes believe they are, so preparedness might be considered something akin to godliness, especially if it serves the meritorious purpose of relieving the poor of suffering created by the maladaptation of the national political economy to existential challenges presented by the shrinking of the world and population increase on the planet.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...