
Propping Up Ukraine Costs U.S. $75 Billion a Year

 At some point seventy-five billion dollars becomes real money. Because the Democrat Party refuses to acknowledge Russia's historical ownership of Ukraine and share the eastern half with Russia through negotiations it has taken the course of war to have it all for the European Community. Meanwhile Russia's FIDE chess organization has quit Europe and is joining the Asian confederation. Needless to say the cold war mentality of the Democrat Party is an ossified-brain mindset that requires Russia to be an enemy instead of a neutral to positive ally with the steep cost associated with that.



If things actually went well for Democrat Party objectives in Russia and the Russian military was pushed out of all areas recognized by Democrats as western property and an armistice was declared like that ending the First World War it is probable that the status would be like that in 1918 when the foundation for World War Two was laid. At the very least a long term enmity with a perennial Russian adversary requiring U.S. defense spending and possibly military garrisons in Ukraine would arise with Russia and China becoming more integral militarily speaking concerning defense at the Von Biden line demilitarized zone. Europe would have its own Korean war never-ending situation starting in a far more technologically dangerous era.

 Democrats have a what me worry disposition toward the conflict since it is not on the woke agenda that is largely a Democrat Party support strategem. Woke is the post-rainbow era homosexual vanguard for integral Democrat Party support that hates hate and is just pro-love love without wars or caused by people with traditional values and morality. Woke may be inspired by Frederick Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil. Democrat leaders may regard themselves as being beyond good and evil paradigmata of traditional moral norms.

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