
An Economy of Insiders (a poem)


Insider A.I. swimming in dark pools
over borders of transistor claws
basic worlds wit morphed designs
general intellect advances more song

Interesting thoughts that live in the air
with those who breathe and share them
fairly deleted beyond network wires
sore twerps would rend and tear rem

Planning battles with millisecond thrift
Japan crashed on real estate
U.S. and, China learned miffed
withdrawing investments overseas TaihuLight
calculates probabilities deep through the night

Internal neural logic amplified sensors
employed funky monkeys
making them censors
officers retired to golden ponds
amid livid rivers of holographic renter bonds

Cracker box palaces for one human race
run out of step, running in place
eco decline somewhere out there
externalities of concern share still warming air

Species extirpated; maybe mankind too
mildly troubling calculations
wherewithal masses can't do
when leaders few, economics drift.

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