
Governments Sometimes Impoverish the Poor

 In the United States government structures are in part implicitly designed to hinder and impoverish the poor. The reason for that is the kind of individuals that form regulations aren’t poor and view everything from a middle class or rich perspective. They cannot recognize and often do not have any awareness of how the poor yet disciplined and energetic can work themselves out of poverty only to crash into government regulations to dash their efforts.

Here is one example; some energetic men who are poor may travel seasonally and sleep outside. Not only illegal aliens internally migrate to job sites in the U.S.A., so might American citizens. They may buy cheap rural real estate in Arizona and North Dakota if they can earn enough and have a place to camp and live without frostbite or heat exhaustion annually. The cost of transportation between two very low cost private properties is far less than that of owning a home on the grid by a factor of 50 to 1. Government regulations- many in fact discriminate against the housing lifestyle of the poor and declare more than one lot superfluous and a disqualifier for many government programs and protection from bankruptcy etc. A home receives bankruptcy protection even if valued at a quarter of a million dollars or more while the two properties of the poor do not though they are worth less than half the price of an economy car. The poor must choose between frostbite and heat stroke lifestyles because the government doesn't tolerate alternate functional life arrangements except those that are queer.

The indoor thermostat controlled lifestyle of middle class Americans is very costly and one need have job security to afford it. In a way quality housing affordability requires a timed lifetime programmatic approach comparable to that of a naval officer who need advance at a regular pace through various stages or go to the discharge off-ramp. Without lifetime job security the very high cost of buying a home segregates many Americans to a lifetime without owning a home, for life and reasons to buy a home do not last forever. There are mobile and athletic women able to handle the strenuous lifestyle without owning an automobile or being installed in a comfortable on-the-grid home. Such rare creatures dwindle in numbers with aging and ease of reproduction followed with various duties and social expectations. Neither women or men that are poor should encounter government bias against practical economic arrangements.

Government should not exclude the very poor from programs such as food stamps. Some states like Oklahoma apparently allow food stamp cards to be used nationally while others like Alaska do not. Americans should receive bankruptcy protection and eligibility for government programs on the basis of total capital assets rather than on the location of the assets. Maybe the poor should be allowed to own $25,000 of real estate without exclusion. In some states people may qualify for food stamps while owning a quarter million dollar home, while the poor with an out of state property are not. There are numerous penalties against poor travelers across the states that penalize energy and job and lifestyle searches and reward those that are simply installed locally.

Not every state can have a two tier workforce of legal workers and illegal workers with different pay scales, retirement policies and benefits. Neither can every American have a spare nation to retire to with spare citizenship and no taxes. In the structured inconsistencies are found innumerable regulations that oppress the poor and benefit insiders.

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