
Mars Can Be Colonized Without Planetary Magnetic Field

 At least one science expert says building a Martian colony won’t be possible for at least two hundred years. His idea is that since Mars hasn’t got a magnetic field or atmosphere dangerous eruptions from Mars would send dangerous particles directly to the flesh of humans that would need at least a meter of dirt to screen out the cosmic rays or whatever. I believe the scientist must think that advanced tech is required to build Earth or Mars shelters in dirt and on that he is incorrect.


Humans have built underground shelters that are easy to assemble for millennia. I will include a few YouTube videos on how to build dirt shelters. Astronauts might need to have a few building panels in lieu of logs or plywood. Yet building panels could be very light and fold-able, held together a couple of meters apart with wire ties, and the space in between filled with dirt.

One would want to build on the side of a hill with natural screening from the sun- a cave might be better and the panels need just for the entrance. Of course one would want a twist and turn in the entryway to screen out direct solar ray access. Sand bags too were invented some time ago and can be filled with dirt to make walls and perhaps covered with foil- space blankets to prevent the sun from breaking down the material. Oxygen barriers could be placed amid sand bag layers to keep oxygen in and the low pressure Martian atmosphere at bay with some lightweight technical improvements.

Emergency shelters for astronauts needn’t always be airtight if they are easy to access and there are good solar flare detector alert sirens to let astronauts know they should get underground quickly. It is possible that if astronauts live in a great canyon like Valles Marineris that light won’t even reach to the bottom of the valley much and living there would be relatively safe from solar particles. Indirect lighting can be brought into dark spaces with fiber optic cables and remotely place photons collectors as may energy from solar panels travel along wires to the Martian caves and dugouts.

Someday perhaps solar panels can convert photons to electrons and power magnetic field generators to cover portions near the top of a few canyons in the Valles Marineris network.

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