
Dialectical Materialist Capitalism Evolved a Thesis Against Russia

 Karl Marx foresaw paradoxically, the final status of unlimited capitalism in the communist state. That is a non-competitive workers paradise under the benevolent guidance of severe supervisors under the dictatorship of the party elite would compete with thesis and counter-thesis against external enemies of the state. Capitalism evolves in a process of dialectical materialism at a mature stage when corporations compete against rival corporations and capitalization clumps. Corporate logic and power as a thesis encounters counter-thesis with survivors as winners, sometimes in a new synthesis of corporate consolidating merger. Capital increases faster than the wages of labor obviously so wealth concentrates and the dialectical evolution in myriad contests reduces the numbers of competitors until eventually the state itself becomes dominated by the ultimate corporate winner under consolidated wealth and power.


In the global post-war competition for wealth and power the number of competitors has reduced especially with the rise of the European Union. Russia is an external rival to the European Union, while China is too yet China is also a great economic producer for corporate profits of the west and is thus somewhat immune from direct western aggression, while Russia is not.

Russia let go of its Soviet system of which it was the core state, an opted for a free society with the promise of western prosperity ahead if it emulated the ways of the west. Unfortunately for Russia the west took advantage of the letting down of Russia’s guard to take most of the former east block countries that had been occupied by Russia in its war against Nazi Germany in the 1940s into its N.A.T.O. military fold and create the power to make integral areas of the former Russia in Ukraine in the dominion of the west and European Union. Russian leadership had misjudged the nature of western society sufficiently to need war to attempt to retake the Crime and areas of the Ukraine borderlands. Russia today is regarded by the west as an external rival to hegemony over Central Europe. The EU thesis and its ad hoc allies are advancing the dialectical materialist front upon the counter-thesis from the east; Russia.

Marx didn’t develop his principle of dialectical materialism/evolution universally, and instead believed it was applicable only to his simplistic model of historical political economies. He saw capitalism as a solid unified member growing from the petty bourgeois to the bourgeois and viewed them as tools of aristocrats without seeing the process of dialectical materialist evolution among groups of capitalists in the modern economy. Dialectical material capitalism is a developing form of communism. Marx saw the communist state arising from revolution rather than evolution, and saw evolution in dialectical materialism as occurring between rival economic systems instead of within the economic system of capitalism itself.

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