
Democrat's Ukraine Policy Might Be Daft

 The United States has supplied lethal arms to Ukraine since the Obama administration. Presently the administration is complaining and 'warning' China against supplying the same to Russia, as if China need necessarily comply with the United States on foreign policy goals or ever has.


Unintelligent leadership can bring less than desirable results. The Democrat Party has consistently demonstrated an inability to comprehend the consequence of their actions. Instead of selecting lines of foreign policy relations that are realistic they select lines that are optimal for-themselves and label their opponent criminal. Democrat lawyer-Presidents believe international law supports whatever they choose to do in effect, as the 'leader' of the 'free' world with less than half of the world's population.

The Biden administration sent its first large shipment of weapons to Ukraine January 2022- before the start of the Ukraine war. The weapons build up demonstrated U.S. intent, especially as it encouraged the Baltic states to send weapons to Ukraine, and may have been a trigger for Russia to invade before things got worse.

From 2014 to the start of the Ukraine war the U.S. ‘committed’ 30 billion dollars to Ukrainian security according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12040 -report may no longer be available








Some have noted the basic inability of Democrats to adjust to the end of Cold War I and form good new relations with Russia. Much of the U.S. economy and several states with Democrat party federal delegations had invested in Cold War production and defense related capabilities. It seems as if the economic base and inertia brought the Democrat Party to revert to hostile foreign relations although for a time in the 1990s it seemed as if a new. better and different footing was growing. The Ukraine War is a logical result of the traditional belligerent U.S. relationship with Russia. Democrat party desire to dictate China's foreign policy regarding Russia is equally an assertion of what might be viewed by China as hegemonic imperialism.

It is possible that China will supply a fraction of U.S. lethal weapons support to Ukraine to Russia in order to defrappe N.A.T.O.'s hegemonic expansion eastward. China has invested much in Russia's arctic and supports development of Russian natural resources including oil and gas in order to have plentiful, stable, cheap energy to replace unreliable western supplies that could be cut off in the future when the Democrat Party deems sanctions appropriate. U.S. leadership may need to accept the fact that China has different interests than the U.S.A. in the Arctic, Russia and Asia and is still a growing economy the U.S. relies upon for manufacturing. With China and India as Russian friends or neutrals the supply of cheap labor may dry up for U.S. capitalists. A realistic foreign policy would have settled the Ukraine affair long ago with concessions to Russia that recognized their historical and valid claims to own much if not all of Ukraine. The E.U. and the Democrat Party have a different narrative of course.

Chinese leadership may supply substantial quantities of weapons to Russia in order to prevent a Russian defeat before the 2023 U.S. Presidential election when a Republican has a better than even chance of being elected. A Republican President probably could bring a negotiated end to the war by cutting off continuing arms shipments to Ukraine. Restoring good relations with Russia is rather important if the United States is to continue to participate in a global economy without a significant east-west split. The split global economy probably wouldn't be helpful for U.S. capitalists at all. The Chinese and Indian economies are growing while the U.S.A. has low economic growth and vast public debt relying on cheap Chinese imports for consumers. U.S. capitalists have invested a lot in China in Asian production.

Present prosperity for concentrated wealth in the United States that owns much of the national income- more than 50% goes to a tiny minority of citizens, may have led Democrat leadership to a certain degree of hubris in its will to power through lawsuits and military force. Peaceful evolutionary economics transition as swiftly as possible to ecological economic durability with such a great population is much preferred to war so far as U.S. national interests are concerned.

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