
Ask Mexico to Join the United States to Secure Southern Border

 The Democrat Party has created and maintained a perennial border crisis allowing more than a half million foreigners to illegally cross in to the U.S.A. every month. For years and even decades that party has sabotaged U.S. internal security and swollen the ranks of illegal workers that have several adverse effects on the American economy. About a quarter of a million illegal entrants are captured and released monthly while about 300,000 get away without making any kind of contact with federal officers at all. Some of those could be Russian, North Korean or Chinese specialists bringing in suitcase nuclear bombs to bury in desert regions for later possible use by sleeper agents demolishing U.S. cities. There should be some sort of interim solution to the problem of the creeping conquest of America by illegals.

Illegal workers as a vast left-wing class undermine the fundamental principles of equality. Plainly there should be no illegal underclass of citizens in the U.S.A. that creates a bifurcated economic divide between those on the legal clock and those not as is the case in California. Some way the U.S.A. and its values are permanently corrupted by the presence of a vast illegal underclass of physical workers not collecting fat paychecks at a desk. The remedy is to seal the southern border to illegal entrants as President Trump tried to do while being sabotaged in the effort by Democrats. After a couple of years of sealing the borders against illegal entry aliens that have worked in the U.S.A. for two years or more should be offered legal residence after being screened against international criminal and terrorists registers.

The alternative would be to ask Mexico to consider becoming part of the U.S.A. so the United States of America would include Mexico and its states as they are with one government and citizenship for all. Mexico has a smaller southern border that the U.S. government might be able to afford to defend although Democrats probably would find a way to make it grossly insecure too.

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