
Ecohomo Economics vs Ecopluralism

   What is presently named biodiversity to portray an abundance of species flora and fauna is being reduced toward the disaster of ecohomo monism over time. If the sole existing life form on Earth is mankind that species may be doomed. Classical economics exploits the wealth of ecopluralism and prioritizes to the exclusion of everything else ecohomo lines. Ecohomo psychology has even reached out to try to kill off the idea that God exists.

An ecosystem service approach if using a standard axiology would lock in that value system socially, and economic valuation metrics are hard to change. Society does chase after money- the root cause for slavery and wars, and so adapting ES to a free market is necessary yet challenging. Ecopluralism rather than an Ecohomo monist reduction to just mankind on Earth is the right way to proceed.

An ecohomo economic world order is evolving or devolving the ecosphere obviously. Maybe experimenting theoretically with constructing lunar ecohabitats of as large a scale with selections of Earth species that could adapt would help humanity learn of the value of keeping a verdant ecopluralism on Earth.

There is no mistake that ecohomo economics is driven by greed and the attraction of money. Slavery in the United States would never have occurred without the profit motive. It was the economic value of slave labor rather than sadistic sociopathy and racism that motivated the growth of the slave business. Wars occur for economic reasons and have for millennia even when security appears to be the primary cause.

Ecopluralism has been shown in the newish field of Ecosystem services to be of real economic value. In other words the value of a rich and vibrant ecosphere with ecopluralism entailing millions of species. Today the estimated number of species is close to nine million though just more than one million have been cataloged. That number is large yet is in steady decline with numerous important species already extinct and/or critically endangered.

Because ecopluralism is like a cloth that adapts to various challenges, eliminating various species threads from it can lead to its disintegration and the disaster of a necrotic ecohomo environment. An economy subsists through interacting and harvesting ecosystem services and a portion of various species rather than eliminating any. With ecoreductionist methods ecological economics are adversely impacted, for example, if all of the fish were harvested there would be no fish to catch, or in the abstract, if species 1, 3 and 5 were needed to support the life of species 9 that is harvested economically, then species 1, 3 and 5 need be protected too in order to allow species 9 to live to be harvested. If species 1, 3 and 5 depend on several other species and flora to exist, eliminating those species with displacement of harvest to extinction will ultimately result in the loss of the species that support the life of species 9.

Ecosystem services are part of the toolkit needed to keep ecopluralism alive and healthy. Humans benefit and are alive because of ecopluralism and the grace of God.

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