
Reform Capitalism and Political Economy Toward Sustainable Ecosystem Services

 Capitalism needs to be reformed with the global ecosphere becoming an element. Ecosystem services that find a value for environmental services have the problem of being too local and lacking in cognizance of the networked or essential unity of all system and the greater cost of deleting parts of it. Numerous studies including some mentioned in the marine environment have shown that species recovery and productivity of surrounding regions to a highly protected area rise too and may fall with its loss of protection. What is the value of life on Earth in which mankind arises and is sustained? Can it be sold off or traded within the values of the values of unreformed capital market economics? Are the goals of market economics and the values given to ecosystem elements commensurate with the ideal of conserving and recovering ecospheric health or for supporting the most efficient profit and trade relationships for all regardless the state of the environment. Is it a necessary that protecting the ecosystem is of more economic value than exploiting and degrading it within supply and demand political economies.

I think the reform of capitalism would include taxation and regulation as well as in some cases ecosystem service evaluation. Taxation would make it costlier to harm the environment than to conserve it. Real estate developers for instance, would pay fewer taxes on building homes that have no net loss of biota than builders that clear off biota and have a net loss of biota. Taxing properties than harm the environment or displace it would result in higher taxes than green properties, and that could stimulate a new era of sod roofs if not advanced design flora covered hollow artificial 'mountains' for people to live within.

Regulations should be made to stimulate inventors and business start ups to create enterprises that are not harmful to the environment and have the least entropic effects on the ecosphere. Maybe the IQ. level of business execs need be higher with better education. Capitalism given tax incentives that are consistent surely may find some entrepreneurs that can satisfy social ecosphere conservation and restoration efforts and benefit so many people on Earth. Even creating new ecosphere on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere off-world should receive substantial tax discounts. Capital of course need be taxed sufficiently to prevent the concentration of wealth to the degree that plutocrats arise to make a toy and puppet show of democracy as well as to support a basic social income so people can afford not to be employed in dirty business yet be able to survive until clean jobs employ them. For some time changing the quantity and proportion of dirty jobs to clean jobs will create some social displacement effects. The smarter and more honest politicians become (it must be a joke yet I hope that is possible) the less displacing the changes could be.

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